Name | Pathway | Balances | Channel Meeting points | AK | Divergent Channel | Sinew Channel | Connects with | 6 Channel Partner | Primary functions | Heavenly Stem | Meetings with | Areas / Symptoms | Negative Aspects | Luo Connecting Channel | Pulse Position | Time of Day | Overview | Channel Meeting Points | Official Role | Spine | In treatment | Body Psych Data | Connections | Role | Primary Function | Element | Zangfu Connections | Channel Psychology | Ba Gua | Positive Aspects | Cover | Summary | Chakra | Body Psychology | Brief Psychology | Related to Spine (Organ) | Type | AK Muscles | TCM Muscles | Point Locations | Related Emotions | Points |
Go to Extraordinary Vessels | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GB20 Feng Chi – Reservoir of the windsSt 3 Ju Liao – The greatness of boneSt 2 Si Bai – The pure white energy of fourSt1 Cheng Qi – Receiving the tears of autumnLI16 Hu Gu – Very large boneLI15 Jian Yu – Shouldering and sustaining life/ shoulder boneGB29 Ju Liao – Dwell in the strength and protection of boneSt4 Di Cang – Gathering of the earthly harvest/ earth granaryBl59 Fu Yang – To access the movement of yang (xi cleft point)Bl62 Shen Mai – Extending the body/ extending vesselBl61 Pu Can – To serve with counsel | Important for sleep excess yang conditions heat fury/rage madness apoplexy cerebral congestion contractions facial paralysis excess adrenal conditions inflammation generalised pain stiffness particularly the back painful and red eyes arthritis lumbar pain andropause headache angry eyes eyes that cannot close eyes that can not shed tears easily skin disorders immune system biorythms daytime epilepsy spasms | The vessel begins at the centre of the heel, flows to the lateral malleolus, at Bl62, then to Bl61, Bl59 (xi cleft point), to the posterior border of the fibula, lateral thigh, to GB29, to the posterior axillary fold, winds over the shoulder to SI10, LI15, LI16, ascends the neck to the corner of the mouth, St4, St3, St1, Bl1 (where it meets with Yin Qiao Mai) and flows over the head along the Bladder channel to GB20. | The Yang Qiao Mai puts the yang into dynamic motion. It is responsible for graceful movement of the limbs and the body and together with Yin Qiao Mai allows us to coordinate and move with freedom. | The Yang Qiao Mai puts the yang into dynamic motion. | attract energy of earth to top of the body moving with agility and grace ease and grace important for walking and gates lateral aspect of the leg and torso balance of yin and yang distribution of wei qi (defensive qi) extroverted side how we stand up to the world helps us respond to external stimuli resolves phlegm misting the mind manic behaviour or paranoia constant rebellion very judgemental cannot stop doing | Extraordinary Vessel | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
St8 Tou Wei – Place of Tied ThoughtsGB13 Ben Shen - The root of spiritGB14 Yang Bai – Pure clear energy of yangGB15 Tou lin qi – Kindly allowing tears to flow / Head before crying / Head directed by kind watersGB16 Mu Chuang – The eye’s windowGB17 Zheng Ying – Correct upright plan/ upright livingGB18 Cheng Ling – Receiving of SpiritGB19 Nao Kong – The vastness of the brain/ brain hollowGB21 Jian Jing - Well of the shoulderSJ15 Tian Liao – Bone of HeavenSI10 Nao Shu - Vital Strength of the shoulder/ shoulder blade shuGB35 Yang Jiao - Crossing network of yang (xi cleft point)Bl63 Jin Men – Rich gateway of goldGB29 Ju Liao – Dwell in the strength and protection of boneGB20 Feng Chi – Reservoir of the winds | symptoms related to cold and heat shivers and fevers alternate poor defensive qi aversion to cold preserves the yang affects all the yang channels strongly affects Gall Bladder strongly affects Bladder hips and shoulders skin conditions such as acne and boils Modern indications include nucleus of cells (DNA) cerebrum cerebellum pineal gland depressive-paranoid personality motor neuron disease cancer in men | The vessel begins at Bl63 ascends lateral malleolus to GB35 (xi cleft point), along GB channel across the hip to the shoulder where it passes through SI10, SJ15, GB21, ascends to the forehead St8, GB13,14,15. It ascends the head to GB16,17,18,19, 20 and then to the back of the neck at Du15,16. There is some argument about whether the vessel goes from the front to the back of the head or from the back to the front of the head. Its trajectory complements the Yin Wei Mai which connects with the Ren Mai. | The Yang Wei Mai attaches and links all the yang of the body. It forms a net for yang, affecting all yang throughout the entire body. In a sense it holds together the yang, ruling and binding it. It connects to the yang channels of the leg and to the DuMai, thus linking to the source of yang. It relates particularly to defensive qi (wei qi). | The Yang Wei Mai attaches and links all the yang of the body. | holding yourself to your nature standing firm following your own path in life may be a lack of will | Extraordinary Vessel | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
It irrigates and moistens used for arthritis somnolence and insomnia coma epilepsy glandular fever impotence white vaginal discharge frigidity pregnancy complications uncomfortable urination abdominal pain vomiting diarrhoea constipation in women chest feeling big breast abscess oedema weakness in women generalised pains inability to open eyes. | Begins in the middle of the heel, goes to Ki2, Ki6, Ki8 (xi cleft point), ascends the medial aspect of the leg, passes through all yin organs, emerges at St19, follows the Stomach channel to St12, the passes through the neck and face to emerge at Bl1 (where it meets the Yang Qiao Mai) and penetrates the brain. | The Yin Qiao Mai puts the yin into dynamic motion. Together with the Yang Qiao Mai it is responsible for graceful movement of the limbs and the body. | The Yin Qiao Mai puts the yin into dynamic motion. | Flow with love and warmth connects to our introverted side allow self reflection how we stand up to ourselves. healthy relationship to our bodies prevent distorted body image connect to sexual identity. grounding & self trust addresses self doubt less scattered | Extraordinary Vessel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Ren 1 Hui Yin – Meeting of the inner seas of Yin and vitalityKi21 You Men – Dark hidden secret gatewayKi20 Tong Gu – Open flowering valleyKi19 Yin Du – Inner/Yin CapitalKi18 Shi Guan – Strong rough stone gateway or stone borderKi17 Shang Gu – Flexible merchant/ accommodate, deliberate and tradeKi16 Huang Shu – Direct transfer to the vital regionsKi15 Zhong Zhu – Flowing from the centreKi14 Si Man – Fullness and balance of fourKi13 Qi Xue – Qi cave/ opening of qi/ door of infantsKi 12 Da He - Full glorious brightnessKi 11 Heng Gu - Great beam of horizontal boneSt30 Qi Chong – A great thoroughfare of qiRen 23 Lian Quan - Correctly angled spring waterRen22 Tian Tu – Passage to heavenLv14 Qi Men – Gateway of expectation and hopeSp16 Fu Ai – To caress our laments with compassionSp15 Da Heng – The great balance / horizontal beamSp13 Fu She - To dwell in the inner palaceSp11 Ji Men – Gateway to a harvest basket made of bambooKi9 Zhu Bin (Xi cleft point) – Guest serving our foundations/ building for the guest | large swollen body body that has shrunk adrenals testosterone Stagnant qi in abdomen flatulence abdominal pain anorexia diarrhoea vomiting constipation gastric ulcer nocturnal emissions thirst oedema foul smelling urine angina palpitations heart diseases | Descriptions of the pathway are reasonably vague in the classics. In these texts its pathway was described as linking the sea of qi at the origin (the lower Dantian) to the sea of qi in the chest, with points extending from the navel to the thorax. However, it was emphasised that its influence extends everywhere. The most common modern pathway begins in the Kidneys, flows down to the vital region (uterus in females), emerges at Ren 1, one branch flows up the sacrum and spine to Du4, another branch goes to St30, Ki11- 21, and circles around the mouth. Another branch links Ki11 and St30 and travels down the medial aspect of the leg to the big toe. The Chong Mai is considered to flow deeper than the Ki channel, so that the Ki points are closer to the surface of the skin and the Chong Mai points lay underneath. | Chong Mai links yin and yang together, distributing yang qi, blood, essences through the body. For this reason it is said to be the sea of blood and the sea of the 12 channels. It ensures good rhythm of circulation of qi. | Chong Mai links yin and yang together and distributes qi and blood. | anxiety disorders heal emotionally through terminal illnesses balances love and logic intergenerational trauma habits essence of who we truly are our authenticity | Extraordinary Vessel | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Used for abdominal region nourishes gall bladder with jing qi from the Kidneys general pain pain in the limbs headaches circulation in the legs reproductive system tension at the back of the neck hip conditions lumbar pain fullness and looseness of the abdomen with a feeling like you are sitting in cold water muscles numb muscles trembling painful and swollen extremities arthritis chronic diseases tinnitus extremities difficult to hold up. | It connects to all the vessels as they go through the abdominal region. It connects with the vital centre (and ming men or the fires of destiny) and links the Du, Ren and Chong around the vital region. It regulates the animation and movement of the vessels as they move through the abdomen. It also balances the yin and yang in the leg because all six leg channels cross it. | The function of the Dai Mai is to bind and unify the extraordinary vessels. It is the only vessel to cut horizontally through the body. It is the entire cross section of the body at this point. | The Dai Mai binds and unifies the extraordinary vessels. | reservoir of all our traumas physical and emotional trauma holds emotions we can’t deal with self preservation helps with sexual abuse create stability during changes impair growth if out of balance strong role in survival what we don’t like about ourselves | Extraordinary Vessel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Yin Wei connects all of the yin channels holds and controls the yin of the body controls the inside of the body controls heart controls jing controls the blood yin deficiency lack of self nurture used for blood deficiency | The vessel begins at Ki9 (xi cleft point) flows up the medial aspect of the leg to the anterior surface of the trunk at Sp 13, 16 and Lv14. The vessel penetrates the diaphragm, breast, to connect with Ren 22, 23. The Pc channel is said to have a branch that runs from Pc6 (the confluent point) to Pc1 to Ren17 and crosses Yin Wei Mai in the region of Ki23, and then goes to Ren17, and from Ren17 there are connections to Ren 12 and Ren 7. | The Yin Wei Mai attaches and links all the yin of the body. It forms a net for yin, affecting all yin throughout the entire body. In a sense it holds together the yin, ruling and binding it. It connects to the yin channels of the leg and to the Ren Mai, thus linking to the source of yin. It relates particularly to digestive qi (ying qi). | The Yin Wei Mai attaches and links all the yin of the body. | holding yourself to your nature Standing firm not being overly influenced by outside to tie and hold fast maintain order harmony of yin and yang attached to this life links all the yin of the body digestive qi | Extraordinary Vessel | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LI20, Bl1, GB3, GB4, GB5, GB6, Gv14, Gv24, Gv26, Gv28, Cv12, Cv13, Cv24, GB14, GB21. | Separates from the primary channel in middle of the thigh, ascends the abdomen, stomach, and disperses in the spleen, ascends to the heart, throat, mouth, nose, and unites with the main channel at the eye. | Originates at the middle three toes, binds on the dorsum of the foot ascends the lateral aspect of the leg, binds at the knee where it connects with the GB sinew channel, binds and the hip joint, passes through the ribs and into the spine. A branch binds at the knee, binds above the genitals, binds at St12, ascends the neck, jaw, mouth, to bind at the nose, joins Bl sinew channel and forms a muscular net around the eye (lower net) [Bl channel forms the upper net]. A branch separates at the jaw and binds in front of the ear. | Rotting and ripening of food Controls descending First stage of digestion of fluids Appetite and vomiting Stomach pain Atrophy of lower limb Treats disorders of eyes face cheeks forehead nose lips gums teeth ear throat Regulates function of the intestines Disorders of all three parts of the body particularly Sp Lu Ht chest uterus and Bl Tonifying qi blood yin and yang Breast conditions Disturbance of the spirit especially mania and depression Frontal lobe | Breasts quadriceps abdominals appetite bad breath | ingratiating needy stubborn compliant needy avarice | Begins at St40, connects with the Spleen channel on the medial aspect of the lower leg, ascends the leg and body to the neck and head where it meets with the qi of the other yang channels, a branch travels internally to terminate at the throat. | 7am to 9am | Begins at LI20, ascends the inside corner of eye to Bl1, descends to St1, upper gum, curves to meet Gv28 and Gv26, circles the lips and meets Cv24, runs laterally to the mandible ascends to via St7 and GB3 to within the hairline intersecting GB4, GB5, GB6, meets Gv24. Another branch separates at St5, descends throat to supraclavicular fossa at St12, crosses around the back to Gv14, descends the diaphragm, intersects Cv13 and Cv12, enters the stomach and spleen. Another branch descends from St12, 4 bin lateral to the midline, to St18, then 2 bin lateral to St30. Another branch begins in the pyloric valve, descends within the abdomen and meets the channel at St30. From St30 the channel descends via the thigh to the lateral aspect of the knee, foot and second toe. Another branch separates on the foot at St42 and travels to Sp1. | The official of the stomach role is to nourish us in the process of life. It is responsible for digestion and assimilation; this is not only of food but also of thoughts. Interestingly the stomach and kidney channels long parallel to each other on the torso this is so the acquired qi gathered by stomach can compliment the innate qi of the kidneys. The stomach official integrates life experiences. Stomach along with the spleen plays a key role in digestion and assimilation of not only food but also thoughts. | Helps the Spleen, Carries Qi and blood to the organs; Controls all intestines; Appetite, bad breath, mouth ulcers are associated with the Stomach; Has lots of good points for Qi; Anterior tibialis, abdominals, quadriceps, breasts, frontal lobe | meeting needs inside integrating myself into the wider world altruism reciprocity adaptability | Pain: Dull, worse with fatigueDigestion/ Energy: Energy lower in afternoon or generally low or low after exertionDigestion/ Energy: Bloated, heavyDigestion/ Energy: Bloated, diarrhoea, undigested food in stoolDigestion/ Energy: No appetiteHeadaches: Frontal headaches - intenseHeadaches: Frontal headaches- dullDigestion/ Energy: Appetite higher than normal + don’t feel like eatingDigestion/ Energy: Appetite higher than normal + eat a lot | NeedsExcess thinkingtrying to meet my needstrying to meet other’s needsprotectiveChurningAssimilation | Meridian | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LI14, Gv14, Bl41, Bl11, St12, Cv17, Cv13, Cv12, GB1, Gb11, SJ20, SJ22, Bl1 | Separates at the shoulder, enters the armpit, crosses the heart and descends to the abdomen to the small intestine. | Originates at the little finger, binds at wrist, medial condyle of humerus, armpit, mastoid process, enters ear and ascends around the ear, binds at the mandible, outer edge of eye and corner of head near St8. | Clears heat swelling pain and fever along channel pathways pain arm armpit mouth teeth tongue nose cheek eyes ears Transforms phlegm and clears heat from heartBreast disorders. | Scapula | tyrant flatterer misunderstood misunderstand unheard | Begins at SI7, connects the Heart channel, ascends shoulder to connect with LI15. | 1pm to 3pm | Begins at little finger, ascends elbow and upper arm, through LI14, to posterior shoulder joint at SI10, zigzags the scapula, crosses to Gv14, intersects Bl41, Bl11, moves to the front of the body at St12, connects with the heart, intersects Cv17, passes through diaphragm and stomach, intersects Cv13, Cv12, and enters the Small Intestine. A branch ascends from St12 to the neck, cheek, and outer corner of the eye, meets with GB1, then to the ear, meeting GB11, SJ20, SJ22 and enters the ear at SI19. Another branch separates at the cheek ascends to SI18, along the nose to Bl1. Another branch descends to St39, the lower He-Sea point of the SI. | The Body Guard of Small intestine is all about transformation. It empowers transformation to take place on all levels and in all aspects of life. If we need to transform physically, psychologically or spiritually the official of the small intestine will be involved. Being the Yang aspect of the heart it helps to communicate the heart message to the world and is heavily involved in listening and intuition. When an individual needs to transform (change) any aspect of their life or express the heart desire with the world the Small Intestine official will be involved. It will assist indifferent forms of communication especially listening. | Small intestine is important for communication with self and others and understanding self and others. No points on the SI channel are indicated for the digestive system. Its points have limited action on the SI fu. SI fu is closely associated with the SI channel’s lower He-Sea point, St39, and its Front Mu and Back Shu points. | understanding of others understood by others discernment communication insight | ExpressionExpressing the heartbeing understoodOpennessIntuitive understandingchurning | Meridian | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
These are from VHS Manual St7, St8, St9, St12, SI12, SI19, Bl1, Bl11, Bl31, Bl32, Bl33, Bl34, Pc1, SJ15, SJ17, SJ20, SJ22, Lv13, Gv1, Gv14, Gv20. | Separates at thigh, enters the pubic region, connects with GB and Lv, crosses the heart and throat, emerges at lower jaw, disperses in the face, connects with the eye and rejoins main channel at outer edge of eye. | Originates at 4th toe, binds at lateral malleolus, lateral aspect of knee, thigh, sacrum, at St12, at the side of the nose and at the outer edge of the eye. | Disorders of the eyes and earsHeadachesDisorders of the liverPhlegm and smooth flow of fluidsDisorders of the spirit and Ethereal Soul (Hun)judgement decisiveness courageDisorders of the sinews and marrowParietal lobesPsycho-emotional and brain | Piriformis pelvis lateral body parietals tinnitus clenched teeth headaches | trapped stuck unjust unfair rigid resentment indecisive flaccid | Separates at GB37 connects with the Liver channel and disperses over the dorsum of the foot. | 11pm to 1am | Begins at the outer corner of the eye, one branch weaves back and forth on the head, from the top of the ear to the mastoid back to the frontal eminences (GB14), connecting with SJ22 above the ear, SJ20 behind the ear, St8 just inside the hairline, ascends closer to the midline over the top of the head, to the occiput before curving behind the ear to the top of the shoulder (through SJ15), meets the spine at Gv14, passes laterally to Bl11 and SI12, then anteriorly to St12 (near the clavicle. It continues in front of the armpit, lateral ribcage, to the hip. The second branch emerges behind the ear, enters the ear at SJ17, emerges at the front of the ear, passes through SI19, St7 to the edge of the eye, descends to the jaw near St5, rises to Bl1, descends to the neck near St6, intersects St9 to rejoin the main channel in supraclavicular fossa, descends to chest to Pc1, crosses diaphragm, connects with the Liver zang and Gall Bladder fu, continues inside of the ribs to genitals, enters deeply to emerge at sacrum where it meets the Bladder channel and meets with the Gv at Gv1, emerges at the buttock at Gb30. Another branch descends from the supraclavicular fossa to the armpit, intersects Lv13, descends to the hip to GB30, and continues to knee and lateral side of the fourth toe. Another branch separates at GB41 to cross to the liver channel at the big toe. | The Gall Bladder official plays a key role in empowering discernment and perspective, so we can see both sides of the story. It also helps to direct the growth of the Liver's official plan. Psychologically when people tend to have a limited view or can only see one side of the story the gall bladder official can be beneficial, it helps us to have external vision and have a better perspective. It will also assist us with decision making. | The Gall Bladder fu stores and excretes bile and rules courage, decision making and judgement. Gall Bladder and Liver are entrusted with Ministerial fire – decision making | free flexible choice discernment | DecisionsDifficult to make decisionstrying to live up to expectationscourageStructure to aspiration | Meridian | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
None listed | Separates from the primary channel on the arm below the level of the armpit, 3 bin inferior to GB22, enters the chest and communicates with the three parts of the body, and a branch ascends across the throat and emerges behind the ear to converge with the SJ channel. | Originates at the tip of the middle finger and runs together with the lung sinew channel to bind at the medial side of the elbow, binds near the armpit and disperses over the anterior and posterior aspects of ribs | protect the heart traditionally seen as the primary channel for treating the heart treats disorders of the spirit treats disorders of the chest lateral costal region and arm pit treats febrile diseases | Diaphragm heart | guarded vulnerable isolated alone unsafe betrayed hurt pained | Begins at Pc6 and moves up the arm to the pericardium and heart | 7pm to 9pm | Begins in centre of chest, connects with the pericardium, descends through the diaphragm to the abdomen, passing through the upper, middle and lower parts of the body. One branch runs from inside the chest to emerge in the costal region near Pc1, arches over the armpit down the middle part of the arm to the middle finger. Another branch arises from palm at Pc8 and follows the middle finger aspect of the ring finger to its tip. | The nine points of the Pericardium correspond with the nine points of the heart. The key role of the heart protector is to protect the heart. It plays an important role in discernment, using both internal and external cues to work out if our heart is safe. The heart protector plays a key role in intimacy allowing a loving embrace of another, influences circulation and involved in sexuality. The channel may show when safety is a concern especially if the safety of our heart is at risk. May show due to sexuality or intimacy issues or when there are blood circulation problems. | Pericardium is an important channel for memory and brain function. Working on Pc can help mend a broken heart | intimacy openness warm protected | Intimate RelationshipsOpening or Closing off the heartintimacyBetrayalHeartbreakIntimacy | Meridian | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
SI12, Bl11, Gv14, GB21, St12, Cv17, Cv12, GB11, GB6, GB5, GB4, GB14, SI18, SI19, GB3, GB1,Bl1, Pc1, Gv20, GB20. | Separates at the head, branches to the vertex, descends to disperse in the chest and cross through the three jiao. | Originates at ring finger, binds to the wrist, elbow, joins with the SI sinew channel at the neck. A branch separates at the mandible and links with the root of the tongue. Another branch ascends in front of the ear to join outside of eye, crosses the temple and binds at corner of the forehead. | Reduces fever Benefits the ears Clears heat from the eyes neck throat tongue Calms the heart and spirit calms heart pain calms emotions Headaches Harmonising the three jiao Harmonising especially vomiting and constipation | Intercellular fluid triceps heat conditions affecting eyes and ears | overly attached apathetic towards others poor boundaries inappropriate behaviour flirtatious | Begins at SJ5, up the arm and over the shoulder converging on the Pc channel in the chest. | 9pm to 11pm | Begins in ring finger, travels to elbow and shoulder, intersects SI12, crosses the back to Bl11 and Gv14, ascends to highest point on shoulder where it intersects GB21, descends to St12, disperses between the breasts at Cv17, connects with Pc and descends to abdomen via Cv12. A branch separates at Cv17 ascends to the supraclavicular fossa, rises along the neck, behind the ear, to GB11, to the temples intersects GB4, GB5, GB6 and GB14, winds down the cheek, intersects SI18, ascends to below the eye. Another branch separates behind the ear and enters the ear, emerges in front of the ear and intersects SI19 and GB3, terminates at SJ23, Wei Mai with GB1. Zangfu Connections: Upper, middle and lower jiao (SJ), Pc | The San Jiao official plays an important role in maintaining homeostasis by promoting communication with all aspects of the being. It promotes communication with our environment and plays a role in regulating social relationships. This channel may show when there are homeostatic concerns on any level or if the individual has difficulties with interacting with his/her environment. Social connections and intimacy will also be strongly related to this official. As it also plays a role in the defensive functions of our defensive Qi health concerns may also be a reason for this official to show. | Penetrates and harmonises all three jiao; Represents the interstitial fluids of the body – hence has a role with fluid problems; Fever (fire); Ears, eyes; Connects with GB (6 channel theory: shao yang channel), which means that SJ can be used for generalised stress and stagnation, particularly SJ6 | social interaction propriety external connection balance | Letting people closeExternal intimate connectionEmotionally hot / coldBoundaries | Meridian | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sp6, Gv1, Cv3, Cv4, Cv7, Cv17 | Separates at knee, intersects Bl divergent channel at thigh, connects with kidneys, crosses the Dai Mai near L2, ascends to the root of the tongue and emerges at the nape of the neck where it connects with the Bl channel | Little toe, inferior medial malleolus, ascends leg, medial condyle of tibia, medial thigh to genitals, a branch travels internally to the spinal vertebra where it ascends the inner aspect of the spine to the nape of the neck where it binds to the occiput | Stores essence dominates reproduction growth and development produces marrow filling the brain dominating bones assisting in production of blood dominates water controls the reception of qi opens into the ears dominates the anus and urethra | Lumbar pain weak knees urinary problems | afraid frozen hopeless | Begins at Ki4, encircles heel (posterior), connects with Bl channel; travels from Ki4 to the just below the pericardium where it spreads into the last 4 lumber vertebra | 5pm to 7pm | Begins beneath the little toe, crosses to Ki1, runs up the medial aspect of the leg, intersects the Spleen channel at Sp6, continues to the medial aspect of the popliteal fossa, runs to the tip of the coccyx where it intersects Gv1, threads its way through the spine enters the kidney from L2, one branch ascends through the liver and diaphragm, enters the lung and ascends to the throat to terminate at the root of the tongue, another branch separates in the lung, joins with the heart and disperses in the chest to link with Pc and Cv17, another branch emerges from the kidney to connect with the bladder, intersects CV at CV3, CV4 and CV7, as it moves up the anterior surface of the torso to end at Ki27. | One of the main functions of the Kidney official is to empower conception, help with the birth and development of one's being. It empowers us to flow through life with purpose turning fear into wisdom. Related to our constitutional Qi and traveling through the 3 Jiao's it plays a key role in vitality. The kidney channel may show for many reasons any difficulties with conceiving; development delays fatigue or dominating fear patterns may be related to kidneys. | The Kidney channel is the most yin of the channels and connects us to our original nature. In harmony it is the source of our wisdom and intuition. It also contains our will, our capacity to unrelentingly unfold our true nature in life. Persistence is the outcome of strong Kidney energy. The root of original yin and yang, houses the will, foundation of CV and Chong Mai. | wisdom to treat myself well wisdom overcoming fear will driven | Menstruation: Dull pain particularly at end of periodTeeth: DecaySex drive: LowEars: Tinnitus – soft, poor hearingBones: Frequent fractures, osteoporosis, osteopeniaSleep: Hot at night and night sweatsSleep: Wake up to go to toiletMenstruation: Intense pain and pin prick clots or dull pain duringSleep: Wake up during night & can’t go back to sleepUrination: Frequent, difficulty controlling | Fearsafetywithdrawalinternal controldrivenstillnesswisdom | Meridian | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
GB15, Gv20, Gv24, GB7, GB8, GB9, GB10, GB11, GB12, GB30, Gv17, Gv14, Gv13, LI4, SI10, GB23 | Separates at the popliteal fossa, ascends to a point 5 bin inferior to the sacrum, winds around the anus, connects with Bl and Ki, ascends along spine and disperses in the region of the heart, emerges at the neck to rejoin Bl primary channel. | Originates at the little toe ascends to bind at lateral aspect of knee, another branch separates below the ankle, binds at the heel, ascends along Achilles tendon to popliteal fossa, binds at the buttock, ascends to the nape of the neck, a branch penetrates to bind at the tongue, the main channel binds at the occiput, ascends over the crown to bind at the bridge of the nose, circles the eyes and binds at the cheekbones, another branch ascends the back and binds at LI15, another branch crosses beneath the armpit to the supraclavicular fossa and rises to the cheek bone. | Heart and brain integrationheadbrain and sense organspsycho-emotional disordersDisorders of the eyesDisorders of the noseDisorders of the headDisorders of the faceRegulate the Zangfu via the back shu connections | Back erector spinae hamstrings occiput | dormant scattered restless dreamy orthodox stinginess overly generous | Separates at Bl58 and connects with Ki channel | 3pm to 5pm | Begins at inner canthus of eye, ascends to vertex, intersects with GB15, Gv24, Gv20, from vertex a branch descends to the temples intersecting GB7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, another branch descends from the vertex to the occiput 1 bin either side of the midline, another branch from the vertex enters the brain and meets GV17 then emerges to nape of neck where it splits into two branches. The first branch travels alongside the spine 1.5 bin lateral to the midline, intersecting Gv13 and Gv14, penetrates deep into the body, the paravertebral muscles, kidneys and bladder. A sub-branch separates in the lumber region, descends along the sacrum, buttocks to Bl40 at the knee. The second branch descends 3 bin lateral to the spine, crosses the buttock to intersect with GB30, descends on the lateral part of the leg to meet the other branch at Bl40, descends through the gastrocnemius, emerges behind the lateral malleolus at Bl60, and runs to Bl67. | Like a great river the bladder channel and its 5 element partner kidney meet with the Ming men to fuel the furnace of evolutions and therefore are involved with health and vitality. Bl-1-Bl-10 combines with the heavenly yang and helps us with understanding our reality. Bl-11-35 is related to the psychological reserves of Qi of all the other officials. Bl36-49 regulates the spiritual reserves of all the other officials as its associate to the manifestation of virtue in life. Bladder official is involved with regulating the Zhi, which represents the mental aspect of our will.This channel is heavily involved both on a psychological level and spiritual level with all other officials it may show when we need to access our reserves as it regulates them for every official. When Health and vitality are a concern often Bladder or Kidney may show. | The Bladder channel is the longest and most extensive channel. It has little effect on its related fu (the bladder) but connects with most channels, regions and areas of the body. The back-shu points, the points on the foot and the points on the head are all very important points for the zangfu and the brain. Regulate the Zangfu via the back shu connections – which also affect the associated tissues and sense organs. | clever able to rest full of life concentration focus | ControlControl external to be safedrivenwithdrawalnever restWillVigilance | Meridian | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Separates at armpit, enters the chest, connects with the heart, ascends the throat, face and connects with the SI channel at the inner aspect of the eye. | Originates at little finger, binds at medial aspect of the elbow, axilla, intersects the Lu sinew channel, travels to the centre of the chest, descends to the umbilicus. | Governs the blood and blood vessels Houses the spirit Opens into the tongue treats speech Governs sweating Manifests in the complexion Treats chest and heart disease | Heart conditions sleep emotional disorders area around T4/5 centre of chest and back | controlling | Begins at Ht5 connects with the SI channel and follows the Heart channel to the heart, continues to the root of the tongue and eye. | 11am to 1pm | Begins in the heart, descends through the diaphragm to the small intestine. A branch separates at the heart ascends the throat, face and cheek to connect to tissues around the eye. Another branch travels from the heart to the lung, emerges at the armpit travels along the arm, elbow, to the posterior and thumb side of the little finger. | The nine points of the Heart channel are almost all involved in the destiny so our Emperors vision can be achieved, many of the Ht points are spiritual points. The Heart (Emperor) empowers us so we can recognize our true potential. It helps us to initiate action, which is congruent with our true self. It has an influencing effect on all the other officials. Following the heart helps us to flow from our intuition. Often the heart channel may need to be balanced when we are disconnected from our true self or from our true path, when we have lost the flow of intuition. | Emperor, responsible for consciousness, brain – particularly emotional / gestalt brain, Memory, sleep, Rules the tongue and speech, Fever (fire), Emotions | spontaneous control connection propriety (appropriate action) self mastery | SharingLovedomination and submissionhurtProprietyjoy and elationPassionSponteneityRaw | Meridian | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lu1, GB24, Lv14, Cv3, Cv4, Cv10, Cv17 | Separates from the primary channel in the middle of the thigh, follows the stomach divergent channel to the throat where it penetrates the tongue. | Originates at the big toe, binds at the ankle, knee, groin, umbilicus, enters the abdomen and binds at the ribs, spreads in the chest and adheres to the spine | Dominates the transportation and transformation of liquid and solid food Major role in digestion qi and blood intestines and discharge of fluid Controls the blood Dominates muscles and the four limbs Provides vigour and bulk Opens in to the mouth and dominates taste sense Breathing Calms and regulates the spirit Disorders of the genitals. | When Sp (digestion) works poorly get damp – congestion phlegm and oedema -Bloating and damp lack of body bulk | self-indulgent selfish martyr obsessed bored driven to support worried | Begins at Sp4, connects with the St channel, enters the abdomen and connects with the intestines and the stomach. The “Great Luo-Connecting Channel of the Spleen” : separates from the primary channel at Sp21, spreads through the chest and lateral costal region gathering the blood of the luo-connecting channels of the whole body. | 9am to 11am | Begins at the medial side of the big toe, ascends ankle medial knee, to hip, crosses to abdomen, intersects Cv3, Cv4 and Cv10, enters the spleen, and connects with the stomach, emerges in stomach region ascending 4 to 6 bin lateral to the midline, intersecting GB24 and Lv14 and Lu1, then descends to the seventh intercostal at Sp21. A branch ascends through the diaphragm to the throat and spreads over lower surface of the tongue. Another branch ascends from the stomach through the diaphragm to link with the heart. | The official of the Spleen role is to nourish the whole body, it empowers our blood through he acquired essence. It is responsible for the transformation and distribution of nourishment. Spleen is responsible for digestive Qi. It strengths our heart and our spiritual centers. When spleen shows official is out of balance it will often to do with concepts of nourishment and transformation. The individual often may have digestive issues or energy issues, as this official does not nourish the body. | Key channel for digestion – every aspect from mouth to final stage of Krebs cycle (producing energy); Energy low in afternoon = spleen deficiency; Diahorea, undigested food in stool, abdominal aches, bloating all spleen style symptoms; Transformation and transportation of liquid and solid foods; Posterior to medial edge of tibea, pubic region, connects to intestines; | nourished understand myself true giving integrity interested in others adaptable giving and receiving | Pain: Dull, worse with fatigueDigestion/ Energy: Energy lower in afternoon or generally low or low after exertionDigestion/ Energy: Bloated, heavyDigestion/ Energy: Bloated, diarrhoea, undigested food in stoolDigestion/ Energy: Bloated, regurgitation, reflux, intermittent constipation & diarrhoeaMenstruation: Absence, or lack of bloodMenstruation: Early menopauseMenstruation: Heavy dull pain duringMenstruation: Intense pain and pin prick clots or dull pain duringNose: Sinus or blocked | ReceivingExcess thinkingexcess givingneedyunnourishedReceptivityTruth | Meridian | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
St4, St12, SI12, Gv14, Gv26, Cv24, possibly GB5, GB6, GB14 | Separates from primary channel at the hand ascends past shoulder through LI15 travels to spinal column crosses to front of body to the thorax, breast, lung and large intestine, a branch ascends from the thorax to join the primary channel at the throat. | Binds at LI1, the wrist, elbow, shoulder, one branch crosses the posteriorly to attach to the upper thoracic spine, the other branch ascends to the jaw, divides at the jaw with one branch binding at the side of the throat and the other branch crossing over the top of the head to connect with the mandible at the opposite side. | Regulates qi and blood in the limbs treats pain and atrophy very important for clearing excess of yang (heat and fever) treating all disorders along the channel particularly head including eyes nose lips gums teeth and ear assists the Lung’s function of opening the water passages | Face teeth nose throat shoulders | negative proud worthless disconnected from earth knows only loss craving more empty materialistic sterile despondent zealot | Begins at LI6, joins with Lu channel 3bin above wrist, ascends to shoulder through LI15 to jaw and cheek, one branch dividing and entering the ear (joining the collection point where St, SI, GB, and SJ gather at the ear) and the other branch connecting with the teeth. | 5am to 7am | Begins at thumb side of index finger, passes along the posterior and radial aspect of arm to shoulder joint at LI15, travels through SI12, and Gv14 (back of body) where it meets the other yang channels, then enters the supraclavicular fossa (on front of body) near St12, connects with the lung, descending through the diaphragm to the large intestine. A branch passes from near St12 across the neck through the cheek, entering the lower gums crossing to other side of face at Gv26 to join the Stomach channel at LI20. Another branch passes from near St12 to descend to the lower he-sea point of the Large Intestine at St37. | The Large intestine official is responsible for empowering us to let go of the mundane aspects of our life while retaining our essence our goals. It empowers self worth and lets us let go of the impurities of our selfs. When we need to let go, especially of the mundane the Large intestine will often be involved. It helps us to recognize our own self-worthwhile creating a clear inner space. | Only a few points on the channel influence the large intestine fu. The channel has a lower He-Sea point, St37, that has a much greater influence over the large intestine fu. Other points used to influence the LI fu are the Front Mu and Back Shu points. | letting go acknowledged alone sufficiency - having enough non-attached | belongingHolding onto griefLossvalueguiltLetting goPure / ImpureSteadfast | Meridian | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
None listed | Large intestine, chest and throat | Anterior chest, along arm around the channel to thumb | Governs qi and controls respiration controls disseminating and descending
regulates water passages controls skin and body hair opens into nose (through large intestine) | Lungs throat chest | grief guilt sorrow longing disconnected from heaven closed down fulfilled vane self-deprecating frail | Lu7, thenar eminence on palm of hand, connects with LI channel | 3am to 5am | Originates in the middle jiao - in the region of the stomach, descends to connect with the large intestine, returns upwards to pass the cardiac (upper) opening of the stomach, traverses the diaphragm, penetrates the lung, ascends the throat and then emerges at Lu1. | The Lung official receives purity and allows us to connect to our essence. It is closely connected to the feelings of self worth and inspiration. It regulates the breath thatrepresents life. | Receives the clear qi of heaven, inhaling air qi which descends to the kidneys and exhaling waste qi. The Lung is a very important organ for providing contact with heaven and with our original/ spiritual natures. It is very important for qi, not just in terms of air qi but also defensive qi and our immune system. It opens water passages and so relates to sweating and dry skin. | receptive valuable connected with heaven acting rightly pure inspired self worth | LossGriefguiltvalueconnection to spiritReveranceSpirit | Meridian | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pathway: Begins at lower abdomen anterior to the spine, emerges at the perineum, runs along the interior of the spinal column to Gv16 at the nape of the neck, enters the brain and ascends inside the brain to GV20 and also from Gv16 runs along the exterior of the midline of the head to Gv20. A branch originates in the lower abdomen, descends to the genitals, perineum, winds around the anus, ascends the interior of the spinal column and enters the kidneys. Another branch originates in the lower abdomen winds around the genitals, ascends to the umbilicus, moves through the heart, ascends the throat, winds around the mouth and up to below the middle of the eyes. Another branch emerges at Bl1, follows the bladder channel along the forehead, the branches converge at the vertex and enter the brain, emerges at Gv16, divides again, descending through Bl12 along either side of the spine to the kidneys. | Du26 Ren Zhong – Man’s centreDu27 Dui Duan – to open with correct reasonDu28 Yin Jiao – The river mouth crossing the seaDu1 Chang Qiang – Powerful thrust of energyDu2 Yao Shu – Direct energetic transfer to the loinsDu3 Yao Yang Guan – Gateway to the yang vitality of the loinsDu-4 Ming Men – Gate of DestinyDu5 Xuan Shu – Suspended PivotDu6 ji Zhong – centre of the spineDu7 Zhong Shu – vitality pivotDu8 Jin Suo – Ease and strength of musclesDu9 Zhi Yang – Fullness of the yangDu10 Ling Tai – Spirit towerDu11 Shen Dao – The true path of spiritDu12 Shen Zhu - Supporting pillar of lifeDu13 Tao Dao – The transforming fires of the DaoDu14 Da Zhui – Striking the great vertebra with importanceDu15 Ya Men - Gateway of MutenessDu16 Feng Fu – The palace of windDu17 Nao Hu – Doorway to the brainDu18 Qian Jian – Strength of quiet emptinessDu19 Hou Ding – Summit of earthly lifeDu20 Bai Hui – Meeting in grand unity, 100 meeting pointDu21 Qian Ding – Heavenly summitDu22 Xin Hui – Meeting of the skull bonesDu23 Shang Xing – Our unique heavenly starDu24 Shen Ting – courtyard of the spiritDu25 Suliao – Ordinary unadorned bone | CV, ST, BL | primary channel for the brain heart/ brain integrationurinary disorders disorders of the spinefebrile diseasesdisorders of all the zang fu (using points roughly corresponding to the location of the zang fu)treating the sense organs treating the heart zang | Tonify Kidney-Yang Strengthen the back Nourish the Brain and Marrow Strengthen the Mind Expel exterior Wind Extinguish interior Wind | The Chinese characters that comprise Du Mai represent an uncle or younger brother looking out for the elder brother. It is symbolic of a governor or viceroy who watches out for the emperor. The governor rules and acts on behalf of the supreme power. The characters are symbolic of pure, clear, the middle way, strong, constant and guide for our life. Du Mai is the foundation of yang qi. Du and Ren Mai develop as the first expression of yin and yang after conception. They originate in the vital region in the lower abdomen, the ‘lower supreme ridgepole’. The supreme ridge pole is the ‘no form’ out of which all things come – the macroscopic Dao. The supreme ridge pole within us is located between the Kidneys, in the lower Dantian. It is our source of life, vitality and ming men (fires of destiny). From this area comes the first division of yin and yang in the form of Du and Ren Mai. Du Mai is the master of the yang qi of the body. It unifies and gathers all the yang qi and connects the yang qi with its source in the lower Dantian. The Du Mai also connects with the yin on the front of the body, it infuses all zangfu with yang qi. It connects with the Kidneys with two of its pathways which is important because of the Kidney’s link to ming men (fires of destiny) and the lower Dantian. There is a strong link between Kidney yang and Du Mai. | In treatment: Circulates wei qi (protective qi), controls the loss of body heat (partly through its affect on wei qi), all diseases of the central nervous system and spinal cord, psychosis, spine, back pains, rigidity, heart pains, heavy head, knee and leg pains, rigidity of the neck, gastrointestinal pain, urinary dysfunction, sterility, convulsions, vertigo, dizziness, headache, chronic fever, madness, mania and dementia, convulsions, throat disorders, night sweating, lack of sweat, headache, poor circulation in the lower heater, hernia. Simple Questions: heart pain, retention of urine and faeces and hernia, infertility, haemorrhoids, incontinence of urine and a dry throat • Classic of Difficulties: stiffness of the spine and fainting • Li Shi Zhen: when full there is rigidity of the back, which is bent backwards; when empty there is a feeling of heaviness of the head and shaking of the head • Golden Mirror of Medicine: contraction of the hands and feet, tremors of limbs, aphasia from Wind-stroke, epilepsy, headache, eye swelling with discharge, chronic backache and knee ache, occipital stiffness from unresolved invasion of Wind-Cold, toothache, numbness of limbs, night sweating • Pulse Classic: stiffness and pain of the back with inability to bend forwards or backwards. In adults there is mania, in children epilepsy | Du Mai is the foundation of yang qi—it is the master of the yang qi of the body. It unifies and gathers all the yang qi and connects the yang qi with its source in the lower Dantian. The Du Mai also connects with the yin on the front of the body, it infuses all zangfu with yang qi. | Du Mai is the foundation of yang qi. | pure clear the middle way strong constant guide for our life | Extraordinary Vessel | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Sp6, Sp12, Sp13, Cv2, Cv3, Cv4, Pc1, Gv20 | Separates at foot, ascends to genitals and converges with gall bladder primary channel | Originates on the big toe, binds to the anterior aspect of the medial malleolus, proceeds to the genitals | Stores the blood Free flow of qiDominates the sinewsOpens in to the eyesManifests the nails | Pubic region lateral costal area vertex of head | anger belligerent timid frustrated low self esteem arrogant humble determined resigned | Separates at Lv5, connects with GB and ascends to genitals | 1am to 3am | Begins at lateral aspect of big toe, runs along foot to Lv4, ascends up the medial aspect of the leg, intersects the Spleen channel at Sp6 where it runs anterior to the spleen channel and then crosses again runs posterior to the spleen channel to the knee and medial thigh, runs to the pubic region via Sp12 and Sp13 where it encircles the genitals, enters the abdomen, intersects Cv2, 3 and 4, continues up, curves around the stomach, enters the liver and gall bladder, crosses the diaphragm, spreads in the chest, ascends to the neck, throat and tissues surrounding the eye, runs up to Gv20. A branch descends from the eyes to the inner surface of the lips. Another branch spreads in the lung and intersects Pc1. | The Liver official plays an important role in free flow of Qi, that is why when the Liver is not functioning we often see stagnation, which is followed by pain. The Liver official helps us with planning, striving, growing, it generates creativity to direct our growth. It empowers the virtue of Benevolence and helps us with good level of self-esteem. Often this official needs to be lanced when people feel stuck in their lives, when they have lost the determination to strive to plan or to even grow. Frustration, anger, stagnation are all part of the liver official not functioning. | The Liver is considered the general of the army – plans and directs blood and qi. It relates particularly to the smooth flow of blood and qi. It also moistens and stores the blood, revitalising the blood. The blood resides in the liver at night. If the blood is not moistened the tendons dry out, and you tend to get brittle nails and dry eyes. It terms of menstrual flow – bright and heavy usually indicates hot liver blood; if light deficient liver blood; if irregular, dark and clotted stagnant Liver blood (also likely to be suppressing emotions). | self-esteem vision planning benevolent patient | Menstruation: Dull pain particularly at end of periodPain: Wandering, intense, distended, worse with stressBlood signs: Brittle nails, dry eyes, dry lips, hair falling outMenstruation: Endometriosis, polycystic ovaries, uterine cancerEars: Tinnitus – loudMenstruation: Early menopauseDigestion/ Energy: Energy low first thing then improvesMenstruation: In wk before period - pain, distension of breasts, moodinessEyes: Spots or blurred vision, red eyes, dry eyesDigestion/ Energy: Bloated, regurgitation, reflux, intermittent constipation & diarrhoeaMenstruation: Absence, or lack of bloodMenstruation: Intense pain with clots up to 2cm, irregular periodsSleep: Hard to go to sleepDigestion/ Energy: Appetite higher than normal + eat a lotTeeth: Clenched or grindingHeadaches: Parietal/vertex headaches - intenseHeadaches: Parietal/vertex headaches - dull | AngerStuckfrustrationperfectionistfocussed on doing rather than beingPushingYieldingVision of self | Meridian | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pathway: Begins in the uterus in females and lower abdomen in males, emerges in the perineum, ascends the midline of abdomen, chest, throat to Ren24, winds around the mouth to connect with Du Mai at Du28 and terminates below the eye at St1. A branch arises in the pelvic cavity enters the spine and moves up the spine to end at the throat. Its Lou point is Ren 15. The Ren Mai connects to the Lu channel from Ren 17. It connects to the Lv, Ki, Sp, Pc, SJ, Yin Wei and Chong Mai. | Ren2 Qu Gu - Maze leading to a hidden/secret placeRen3 Zhong Ji – Utmost limit of balanceRen8 Shen Que – Inner gateway tower of spiritRen13 Shang Wang - Upper heavenly coreRen18 Yu Tang - Ancestral hall of jadeRen4 Guan Yuan – Gateway of originRen9 Shui Fen - Flowing division of waterRen14 Ju Que - Great palace gatewayRen19 Zi Gong - The palace of royal purpleRen5 Shi Men – Ancient Stone GatewayRen10 Xia Wan - Lower earthly coreRen15 Jui Wei - Loving protection of the doveRen20 Hua Gai - Hidden opening of our inner flowerRen7 United Crossing of YinRen12 Zhong Wan - Central duct or coreRen17 Tan Zhong – Sea of Qi/ Centre of our inner storehouse of lightRen6 Qi Hai - Sea of QiRen11 Jian Li - An established place of cultivationRen16 Zhong Ting - Middle palace courtyardRen21 Xuan Ji – The jade within the pearlRen24 Cheng Jiang - Receiving the rich broth of lifeRen22 Tian Tu – Passage to heavenRen 23 Lian Quan - Correctly angled spring waterRen 1 Hui Yin – Meeting of the inner seas of Yin and vitality | GV, ST | Nourish YinRegulate the UterusMove Qi in the Lower Burner and UterusPromote the descending of Lung-Qi and the Kidney’s receiving of QiPromote the transformation transportation and excretion of fluids Activates the Triple Burner Control Fat Tissue and MembranesCombination of Directing and Governing Vessels’ points | internal stagnationherniahaemorrhoidsdysenterytoothacheswollen throatdifficult urinationbackachedifficult swallowingabdominal masseschest and abdominal pain | The Chinese characters that comprise Ren Mai represent a human bearing the weight of a bamboo pole with a load hanging at each end. It is symbolic of enduring the burden of being human. This relates especially to pregnancy. It is responsible for nourishing life, bringing blood, liquids and essences to nourishing new life and your life. The Ren Mai commands and controls all the yin functions of the body. Du and Ren Mai develop as the first expression of yin and yang after conception. They originate in the vital region in the lower abdomen, the ‘lower supreme ridgepole’. The supreme ridge pole is the ‘no form’ out of which all things come – the macroscopic Dao. The supreme ridge pole within us is located between the Kidneys, in the lower Dantian. It is our source of life, vitality and ming men (fires of destiny). From this area comes the first division of yin and yang in the form of Du and Ren Mai. The Ren Mai is the ‘sea of yin’ the master of the uterus. | In treatment: It is used to affect yin in the body. It is associated with too much condensation and accumulation and blockage in the circulation of blood and liquids necessary for life. Indications include clotting and lumps particularly in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge. Ren Mai is particularly important for miscarriage because of the power of the yin to contain and retain. It affects the perenium, pubis, abdomen, thorax, throat, lips. It is used for reproductive functions, menstrual cycle, digestion and respiration, all cases of stagnation of qi causing painful periods, growths in the abdomen, excessive periods, fibroids, ovarian cysts. It connects to the thyroid and affects reproductive hormones and function. It is responsible for regulating the life cycles in men and women and is not active until puberty. | The Ren Mai commands and controls all the yin functions of the body. Du and Ren Mai develop as the first expression of yin and yang after conception. They originate in the vital region in the lower abdomen, the ‘lower supreme ridgepole’. The supreme ridge pole is the ‘no form’ out of which all things come – the macroscopic Dao. The supreme ridge pole within us is located between the Kidneys, in the lower Dantian. It is our source of life, vitality and ming men (fires of destiny). From this area comes the first division of yin and yang in the form of Du and Ren Mai. | The Ren Mai commands and controls all the yin functions of the body. | nourishing lifesource of lifevitalitysense of self | Extraordinary Vessel |
Mode extras
- deep touch - whole channel;
- light touch - specific channel points.
- Check:
- General point selection list; &/or
- Qi Rhythm balance; and/or
- Organ Points (back-shu and
- Trace channel and find points.
front mu points); and/or