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TCM Organ
TCM Element
San Jiao (SJ) / Triple Heater Channel (TH)
Posterior Deltoid
Origin: inferior edge of the spine of the scapula. Insertion: deltoid tuberosity of the humerus.Action: laterally rotates and extends arm at the shoulder, horizontally abducts arm at shoulder
Position: arm abducted 30 degrees, elbow flexed 90 degrees, arm extended 15 degreesRotation: none Stabilise: noneMonitor: Apply pressure on the arm towards adduction and flexion so that the arm returns to the bodyTCM SJ Muscles: Supraspinatus, posterior deltoid
AK SJ Muscles:
Teres minor, infraspinatus, sartorius, soleus, gastronemius, gracilis©1999 exrx.netYang ChannelFor harmonising the 3 burners, thyroid
Nerve Supply: Axillary nerves - C5, C6. Visceral Nerves:Sympathetic: C6 and C7Parasympathetic: Laryngeal branch of Vagus X Neuro-Lymphatic Reflex:Anterior: Bilateral between rib 2 & 3 next to the sternum Posterior: Bilateral between 2nd and 3rd rib, 2cm from midline at T3 levelNeuro-Vascular Reflex: Posterior aspect of the temple and K27’s.
Yuan point: TH4
Nutrition: Iodine and (Kelp only if hypothyroid). Reference: Kendall & Kendall, p321Walther D, 2nd ed. p354Thie, J. Touch for Health Manual