Heaven Projection
Tian tu
Meeting point with Yin Wei Mai s Point of the Window of Heaven
Cv: Success - failure - overwhelmed,
Obstruction in the chest, fullness of the chest, pain of the heart and back, cough, asthma, sudden short breath, inability to breathe, lung abscess with pus-like bloody coughing, rattling sound in the throat, accumulation of phlegm in the throat feeling as if something stuck in throat, ulceration of the throat which prevents eating, swelling of dry or cold sensation of the throat, much spittle, throat painful obstruction, cracked voice, sudden loss of voice, inability to speak, swelling of the neck, goitre, oesophageal constriction, vomiting, jaundice, nosebleed, heat sensation of the skin of the face, red face, swelling of the back of the neck and shoulder, chills and fever, heat sensation of the skin of the abdomen, urticaria, numbness of the flesh of the body