The Yin Wei Mai attaches and links all the yin of the body.
The Yin Wei Mai attaches and links all the yin of the body. It forms a net for yin, affecting all yin throughout the entire body. In a sense it holds together the yin, ruling and binding it. It connects to the yin channels of the leg and to the Ren Mai, thus linking to the source of yin. It relates particularly to digestive qi (ying qi).
The vessel begins at Ki9 (xi cleft point) flows up the medial aspect of the leg to the anterior surface of the trunk at Sp 13, 16 and Lv14. The vessel penetrates the diaphragm, breast, to connect with Ren 22, 23. The Pc channel is said to have a branch that runs from Pc6 (the confluent point) to Pc1 to Ren17 and crosses Yin Wei Mai in the region of Ki23, and then goes to Ren17, and from Ren17 there are connections to Ren 12 and Ren 7.
Yin Wei Mai—Mountain
The characters for Wei includes a character of threads of silk, symbolising a net and an ability to bind and link. It also includes a character representing the feathers of a bird with a short tail and its feathers folded neatly over each other. This character is symbolic of a special kind of linking.
The meaning of the Wei characters is to tie and hold fast. The Wei Mai’s function is to maintain order and harmony of yin and yang and ensure yin and yang are firmly attached to this life.
The Yin Wei Mai attaches and links all the yin of the body. It forms a net for yin, affecting all yin throughout the entire body. In a sense it holds together the yin, ruling and binding it. It connects to the yin channels of the leg and to the Ren Mai, thus linking to the source of yin. It relates particularly to digestive qi (ying qi).
It relates psychologically to holding yourself to your nature. Standing firm and not being overly influenced by what is happening around you.
The vessel begins at Ki9 (xi cleft point) flows up the medial aspect of the leg to the anterior surface of the trunk at Sp 13, 16 and Lv14. The vessel penetrates the diaphragm, breast, to connect with Ren 22, 23. The Pc channel is said to have a branch that runs from Pc6 (the confluent point) to Pc1 to Ren17 and crosses Yin Wei Mai in the region of Ki23, and then goes to Ren17, and from Ren17 there are connections to Ren 12 and Ren 7.
In Treatment
Yin Wei connects all of the yin channels, holds and controls the yin of the body. It controls the inside of the body, the heart, jing and the blood. Useful for yin deficiency particularly when caused by lack of self nurture. It controls the blood and is used for blood deficiency.
Also controls the heart and is used for psychological disturbance. The Nan Jing difficulty 29 states that an imbalance in Yin Wei Mai produces pains in the heart. This may relate to an obstruction in the chest, possibly related to cold, obstruction in circulation – particularly for Ki and Sp channels, and counter-current for Lv and Ren Mai. It is often used to tonify the yin particularly when it is exhausted often due to emotional disturbance. Ki9 is useful to use in combination with the master and coupled points to tonify the yin. For stagnation or obstruction it is more common to use Ren, Chong or Yin Qiao Mai. Symptoms include palpitations, oppression of the chest, apprehension, fear, cardiac pain.
Modern indications include improving the integrity of the cytoplasm and RNA, directly affect the thyroid and parathyroid, and indirectly affect the adrenal medulla, and be useful for the control of hysteria. It tonifies the blood and so is also used for nightmares, depression, timidity, anxiety, palpitations, headaches, cancer in women.
Master and Coupled Point:
Pc-6 (L=male, R=female),
Sp-4 (L=female, R=male)
NOTE: Pc6 contraindicated in pregnancy (from the fourth month)