St1 Cheng Qi – Receiving the tears of autumn

Mode Category
Balance Type
Emotions Spirit and DestinyAdvanced VHS/MBMYang Qiao Mai Points
Balance information
Balance for
replenish let go letting go growth learning release past

St1 Cheng Qi – Receiving the tears of autumn

Location: between eyeball and inferior border of the orbit, in a line below the middle of the eye.

The name of this point is symbolic of receiving the rains of autumn which enable the earth to replenish and become fertile again in preparation for the next spring. In our life it enables us to let go of the past, allow things to pass naturally, replenish ourselves, in preparation of the next round of growth.

This point helps us process and digest experiences in life so that we can learn from our experiences and move on. As we process and move one tears may flow – representing the release of the past.