Ren7 United Crossing of Yin

Mode Category
Balance Type
Emotions Spirit and DestinyAdvanced VHS/MBMRen Mai Points
Balance information
Balance for
strength reserves sense of direction support nourishment

Ren7 United Crossing of Yin

Location: midline, 1 cun below umbilicus.

The qi of the Chong Mai, Kidneys and Ren Mai all meet at this point. This point taps into the united strength of these three channels. Here original qi mixes with the good regulation and circulation of the Chong Mai and the soft, nurturing energy of the Ren Mai. This point allows us to draw on our innate reserves and spread this harmoniously through our body. This connection with our origins also provides a sense of direction to our inner sea of yin qi.

Imagine: flowing with sea of water towards your destination, supported and nourished by the life giving water.