Rushing Gate
Meeting point with Liver channel and the Yin Wei Mai
Lv: I resent always having to look after others, my mind keeps racing. I am unable to get the most out of life. Yin Wei Mai: I distrust others. I trust God to look after those I love.
Abdominal pain, cold in the abdomen with fullness, abdominal masses, acute abdominal pain & hernia, pain of haemorrhoids, pain around heart like in pregnancy leading to difficulty in breathing, difficult lactation, difficult urination, retention of urine, painful urinary dysfunction, white vaginal discharge, sudden turmoil disorder, heat in the body, atrophy disorder and painful obstruction of the lower limb
The point information was compiled from multiple sources including College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney Australia. Point location diagram recreated from A Manual of Acupuncture, P Deadman.