




Meridian / Channel

Will, Brings inherited potential into the world, Wise expenditure of resources

Connection to selfConnection to othersSafeIn control
UnsafeFearAloneOut of ControlWithdrawn
Core emotions

fear, anxiety; withdraw

Core Emotion
Toxic Behaviour
Toxic Emotion
Negative characteristics

There are two challenges for water: to know our real self and to manifest our potential wisely. The temptation for water is to associate intellectual knowledge with wisdom. However, wisdom is knowledge of the real self, ie. The seed of God within. This does not come from learning but from unlearning – “From knowing to not knowing self – this is superior. From not knowing to knowing self – this is sickness.” Once we know our real self then cultivating our inner resources wisely is important in order to manifest our full potential. We are like gardeners that must make sure there is neither too much nor too little water or fertiliser, so that we achieve optimal growth in the long term.

Physical Conditions

will and wisdom (innate knowing)


Conservative versus reckless. Impotent. Life dictated by fate or driven to manifest inner purpose regardless. Following instinct rather than reacting to our fears


Follow instincts rather than reacting to fear. Wise expenditure of inner resources. True power comes from wisely cultivating resources. Self assurance through faith.



In Yin

Ki: wisdom, wise expenditure of resources, instinct, driven, stores inherited constitution, if disconnected from Bl (external world) becomes paranoid

In Yang

Bl: Cleverness, anxiety around every day events, agitation, never at rest, fear of death, stores acquired constitution


Putrid (ammonia)








Groan / gravelly

Tao (Spirit)

Zhi (will and wisdom)





Table of Content

Water Patterns and Lessons

Key words

Fear, anxiety, control of external environment, will, wisdom, distrust of instincts, untapped potential, impotent, thinking small, withdrawn, safety, focus and concentration, driven.


Water types react to and try to control fear. Fear either makes them overly driven or overly impotent (fighting or frozen).

If impotent they will feel that fate dictates their life and they can do to nothing to change or control it. They may try to minimise their presence in order to make themselves as small a target as possible. They can try to be invisible or feel that they are nothing.

If they withdraw, they tend to withdraw from themselves as well as others. They particularly withdraw from unpleasant feelings and for this reason often seem to cope very well with stress. They particularly withdraw from feeling withdrawn, ie. not readily acknowledge the pattern of withdrawal in their lives or downplay its importance.

They may also mask the withdrawal by being friendly with lots of people but without ever having any or many close intimate relationships. Alternatively they may lead quite separate lives, feeling alone.

If driven, they never find rest. They feel they must manifest their inner purpose regardless of the consequences. They are often controlling, trying to control the external environment to make it safe – to limit their fear. They try to think their way to safety, a safe environment or safe solutions. They work and work and work feeling that to stop is to die.

Either way there is often a great fear of death, agitation and a distrust of their instincts. Water types are often clever and use this cleverness to control others and their environment.

If they become very disconnected from the world they can become paranoid and see danger everywhere.


They are relatively easy to spot because they are tightly controlled internally or externally. They can have the money bag cheeks and the gravelly voice.

The main difficulty with water is where they withdraw from their withdrawal. This type of water will be internally controlling and this will need to be broken through so they can connect with their own pattern.

Once they are connected with the felt sense it is usually not too difficult. However, keeping them engaged in the process across sessions is a challenge because they have a tendency to run away from difficult emotions and this can extend to them running away from therapy once it is going somewhere. The best approach is to take your time.

If addressing loneliness it is good to have them relate to their inner child, potentially do an inner child process and feel that loneliness. The recognition of the loneliness is in itself a partial correction since the root of the loneliness is personal disconnection.

With numbness it is good to activate the gastro and soleus muscles and the arch of the foot where the tendons of muscles that run up the posterior of the lower leg attach to the foot or big toe. These muscles are heavily impacted by control, and its that internal control that needs to be broken for numbness and withdrawal to come out.

Where trust is an issue it is important to explain the difference between anxious feelings and the things they know with certainty that comes from connecting to knowing. Explain there are thoughts, feelings and knowing and that trust in knowing is the solution to fear. The confusion around feelings and instinct can be cleared up cognitively once they realize those anxious feelings are not related to instinctive knowing.


The key lesson is for them to listen to their innate knowing. It is our instincts that keep us safe. Water types need to trust their instincts rather than react to fear.

True power to manifest what I want comes from wisely cultivating my own inner resources, rather than focussing on over using my brain or burning myself out prematurely.

Possible Water Goals

I trust my instincts.

I trust my intuition.

I do what is appropriate for me.

My instincts/ intuition keep me/ are safe. I follow my destiny.

I live my truth.

I follow my instincts.

The Story of Water

(Sourced from 365 Tao pg.349)

Water Drops Water cleanses

Gathers in the earth Tender. Invasive. Subtle Emerges a shining river When small, it is weak

When great, it tumbles mountains Rendering great cliffs


Classic wisdom says that there is nothing weaker than water, yet when united it can become a titanic force. Like a tidal wave. Or a river that cuts through gorges. This is called the yielding overcoming the hard.

Let’s look at it another way. Water does not overcome because it yields. It overcomes because it is relentless. It perseveres and does not give up. It is constant. Rock can block water. Rock can even hold water in a lake for thousands of years. Why can’t the yielding overcome the hard then? Because it cannot move, it cannot work its magic of being relentless.

Just as water must be able to express its true nature in a relentless way, so too must we simultaneously and relentlessly express our true natures if we are to be successful in like. Otherwise, we will find ourselves hemmed in by the hard walls of reality, and we will never be able to break through.

But how do we acquire such perseverance? We start small, as drops.

Water Characteristics 

Meridians: Kidneys, Bladder

The Water energy is a strong generative force centered in the lower belly. When the Kidney Qi is strong, a person is fearless, determined, and can endure many hardships in pursuit of their goals. Persevering by will power is characteristic of those with strong Kidney Qi. Longevity is also considered to be associated with healthy Kidney Qi, signified by large, elongated ear lobes, like those of the Buddha.  

Water Imbalance

When the Kidney Qi is weak, there can be problems with water metabolism, urination, fertility, or sexuality. This person could be anxious, fearful, and withdrawn, and in more severe cases, phobic.

Kidney Qi declines with aging. There may be diminished hearing or ringing in the ears. In menopause, the Kidney yin declines, which is associated with classic signs of heat and dryness – hot flashes, night sweats, dry skin and mucous membranes. Kidney yang weakness is associated with cold – cold extremities, cold back and belly, declining sexual vigor, urinary frequency or incontinence.

The color of the Kidney is black, like the night, or like black ice. When the Kidney Qi starts to weaken, dark circles or pouches appear under the eyes. The Kidney Qi rules in the winter, a time when living things are contracted with cold. Like a seed deep in the cold ground, Qi is dormant, waiting for the time to sprout.

Water — Winter – the Kidneys – the Will

The Water element represents Qi energy at its most consolidated and essential. Like the seed of a plant, it contains within itself the potential for growth. Water is a phase that appears outwardly to be dormant, yet is full of latent power. Water signifies the life force in its primal condition, and is responsible for fertility, growth and development. It relates directly to Will, drive and determination.

The main organ associated with the Water element is the Kidneys. “The Kidneys call to life that which is dormant and sealed up; they are the natural organ for storing away and they are the place where the secretions are lodged. The Kidneys influence the hair on the head and have an effect upon the bones. Within the yin the Kidneys act as the lesser yin, which permeates the climate of winter” (The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine).

According to Chinese medicine, the Kidneys store the essence (or Jing), the genetic foundation of the individual. Formed from the union of the parental essences and our spirit, it is responsible for growth, reproduction and development. The essence generates the marrow, which in turn produces the bone marrow and fills the spinal cord and brain. The essence determines our constitutional strength and resistance to disease. It is precious, difficult to replenish and thus is something to be carefully preserved. Problems that originate from a depleted essence include infertility, habitual miscarriage, bone deterioration, failing memory and immune deficiency.

It is from the essence that the Kidneys produce the Original-Qi. The Original-Qi acts as catalyst for all bodily activity and is one reason that the Kidneys are called the “root of yin and yang.” Apart from storing the essence, the other main role of the Kidneys is to control water. This we can more easily relate to its scientific anatomical function: that of separating excess body fluids and waste products from the blood. When Kidney-Qi is weak, and fails to control water, problems such as oedema (water retention) can occur.

The Kidneys, in addition, house the aspect of the psyche known as the Will (Zhi), the “spirit” from which we derive will power, stamina and the thirst for enduring. Just as the essence oversees our growth and continuity, the Will is concerned with the unfolding of our destiny, and is the vehicle of self-fulfilment. Like the essence, the Will is “fertile”, the source of inventiveness and ingenuity. When the Will is strong and the Water element is in harmony, we are determined, resourceful and prudent, unwilling to dissipate energy on the superfluous or transitory. There is confidence and self-sufficiency and a mind both penetrating and introspective.

Fear is felt when the Water element is in disharmony. In response, we will either withdraw or seek to control our environment and become restless and driven. In the first instance there is a tendency to become impotent. Apprehensive and quickly overwhelmed, our urge in such a state is to avoid and retreat. In the second instance, where the Will is hyperactive, the individual is unsettled and sometimes rash, unable to contain their personal drive. Described as a “workaholic”, they demand too much of themselves, compelled by insecurity to succeed at any cost. Ultimately they may deplete themselves of both Qi and yin, succumbing to nervous “burn-out”.

The highest expression of the Water element is Wisdom. Wisdom is borne of a mind that possesses a firm foundation, the result of a Will (Zhi) that is both deeply rooted and calmly judicious. Wisdom comes from listening to our innate knowing. The seed of a plant is symbolic of water as it is a concentration of potential and fertility.