Middle Rushing
Jing-Well and Wood point
GB: I take responsibility for the choices I make, I blame others when things go wrong. Lv: I balance my needs and the needs of others, I am angry with the people who hurt me.
Injury by summer-heat, loss of consciousness, fever, fever with agitation and oppression, heat in the body like fire, headache, hypertension, pain at the root of the tongue, stiffness of the tongue, inability to speak, night-time crying in children, heart pain, agitation of the heart, oppression of the heart with absence of sweating, heat of the palms, tinnitus, vomiting and diarrhoea, epigastric pain, sudden turmoil disorder, childhood nutritional impairment
The point information was compiled from multiple sources including College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney Australia. Point location diagram recreated from A Manual of Acupuncture, P Deadman.