Shang Mound
Jing-River and Metal point
LI: I let go of my worries, move ahead in life with joy. Depression.Lu: I need to protect others. I am afraid to let go of the past.
Spleen deficiency, indolence, excessive sleep, lethargy with desire to lie down, abdominal distension, bowel sounds, watery diarrhoea, undigested food in the stool, constipation, cold pain in the epigastrium, excessive eating, chills and fever with vomiting, coughing and diarrhoea in children with no desire to eat, swelling of the face, jaundice, yellow face, stiffness and pain of the root of the tongue, impaired speech, cough, infertility, haemorrhoids, acute abdominal pain & hernia, mania-depression, agitation with thirst, excessive thinking, propensity to laughter, nightmares, melancholy heart, cold body with much sighing, chronic childhood fright, childhood fright epilepsy, pain and contraction of the sinews, lockjaw, ankle pain, pain of the inner thigh, bone painful obstruction, heavy body with painful joints, paralysis of one side of the body
The point information was compiled from multiple sources including College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney Australia. Point location diagram recreated from A Manual of Acupuncture, P Deadman.