GB20 Feng Chi – Reservoir of the winds

Mode Category
Balance Type
Emotions Spirit and DestinyAdvanced VHS/MBMYang Qiao Mai Points
Balance information
Balance for
decisions move forward clarity clear thinking decisiveness internal conflicts confusion internal battles
Ba Gua

GB20 Feng Chi – Reservoir of the winds

Location: back of head under occiput, between stemocleidomastoid and upper traps muscle attachments.

The character Feng is symbolic of wind and Chi is symbolic of a moat or reservoir. Wind comes from all directions and penetrates everywhere. Wind moves around obstacles effortlessly. Wind relates to the movement and quickness that is necessary to make decisions. The quickness involved in thoughts is analogous to wind. This point lies on the head and enables us to move and think effortlessly and quickly.

Wind can be gentle or it can be a terrifying force. Our thoughts can be similarly clear and quick or like a storm within – disturbed and confusing. This point is often used to bring clarity and clear decisive thinking to a mind that is confused, disturbed, dizzy and in turmoil. Most often confusion and dizziness are the result of internal conflicts. When we fight our self we get disturbed, annoyed and angry. This transforms the gentle wind promoting movement in our life into a storm or hurricane. In a sense our confusion is symbolic of the internal battle.

Imagine: a major storm, wind gusting disturbing all in its path. This storm is symbolic of the inner turmoil generated when you fight yourself and are not at one with your core nature/spirit. Breathe deeply and imagine the storm calming until there is just a gentle breeze blowing, and there is calm within.