Bladder Bl
Bladder Bl
3pm to 5pm
ControlControl external to be safedrivenwithdrawalnever restWillVigilance
Gall Bladder GB
Gall Bladder GB
11pm to 1am
DecisionsDifficult to make decisionstrying to live up to expectationscourageStructure to aspiration
Liver Lv
Liver Lv
1am to 3am
AngerStuckfrustrationperfectionistfocussed on doing rather than beingPushingYieldingVision of self
Pubic region
Small Intestine SI
Small Intestine SI
1pm to 3pm
ExpressionExpressing the heartbeing understoodOpennessIntuitive understandingchurning
San Jiao SJ
San Jiao SJ
9pm to 11pm
Letting people closeExternal intimate connectionEmotionally hot / coldBoundaries
Intercellular fluid
Heart Ht
Heart Ht
11am to 1pm
SharingLovedomination and submissionhurtProprietyjoy and elationPassionSponteneityRaw
Heart conditions
Pericardium Pc 
Pericardium Pc
7pm to 9pm
Intimate RelationshipsOpening or Closing off the heartintimacyBetrayalHeartbreakIntimacy
Stomach St 
Stomach St
7am to 9am
NeedsExcess thinkingtrying to meet my needstrying to meet other’s needsprotectiveChurningAssimilation
Spleen Sp
Spleen Sp
9am to 11am
ReceivingExcess thinkingexcess givingneedyunnourishedReceptivityTruth
When Sp (digestion) works poorly get damp – congestion
Large Intestine LI
Large Intestine LI
5am to 7am
belongingHolding onto griefLossvalueguiltLetting goPure / ImpureSteadfast
Ren Mai—CV
Ren Mai—CV
nourishing lifesource of lifevitalitysense of self
internal stagnationherniahaemorrhoidsdysenterytoothacheswollen throatdifficult urinationbackachedifficult swallowingabdominal masseschest and abdominal pain