Large Intestine LI

Large Intestine LI

Ba Gua
Primary Function

Only a few points on the channel influence the large intestine fu. The channel has a lower He-Sea point, St37, that has a much greater influence over the large intestine fu. Other points used to influence the LI fu are the Front Mu and Back Shu points.

Areas / Symptoms
Brief Psychology
belongingHolding onto griefLossvalueguiltLetting goPure / ImpureSteadfast
Primary functions
Regulates qi and blood in the limbs

Begins at thumb side of index finger, passes along the posterior and radial aspect of arm to shoulder joint at LI15, travels through SI12, and Gv14 (back of body) where it meets the other yang channels, then enters the supraclavicular fossa (on front of body) near St12, connects with the lung, descending through the diaphragm to the large intestine. A branch passes from near St12 across the neck through the cheek, entering the lower gums crossing to other side of face at Gv26 to join the Stomach channel at LI20. Another branch passes from near St12 to descend to the lower he-sea point of the Large Intestine at St37.

Zangfu Connections
Meetings with
6 Channel Partner
Divergent Channel

Separates from primary channel at the hand ascends past shoulder through LI15 travels to spinal column crosses to front of body to the thorax, breast, lung and large intestine, a branch ascends from the thorax to join the primary channel at the throat.

Luo Connecting Channel

Begins at LI6, joins with Lu channel 3bin above wrist, ascends to shoulder through LI15 to jaw and cheek, one branch dividing and entering the ear (joining the collection point where St, SI, GB, and SJ gather at the ear) and the other branch connecting with the teeth.

Sinew Channel

Binds at LI1, the wrist, elbow, shoulder, one branch crosses the posteriorly to attach to the upper thoracic spine, the other branch ascends to the jaw, divides at the jaw with one branch binding at the side of the throat and the other branch crossing over the top of the head to connect with the mandible at the opposite side.

Channel Meeting points

St4, St12, SI12, Gv14, Gv26, Cv24, possibly GB5, GB6, GB14

Time of Day
5am to 7am
Negative Aspects
Positive Aspects
letting go

Cutaneous region


Key aspects

  • Connects with large intestine, lungs, arm, shoulder, throat, jaw (upper), nose and ear
  • Breathing, asthma, immunity, coughs, colds and flus
  • Ear pain and tooth ache
  • Constipation can be a large intestine problem
  • Part of the Yang Ming channel (6 channel partners with St) which means that it is good for
    • Moving qi and blood to the arms and legs
    • Pain of whole body (LI4),
    • Fever (because of 6 channel connection to St

Acupuncture Points