Yin Intersection
Meeting point with Chong Mai vessel and Kidney channel
Ki: I am afraid of success and/or failure, Ki: I have the will to succeed
Uterine bleeding, irregular menstruation, absence of menstruation, infertility, white vaginal discharge, persistent flow of lochia, diseases of the breast, hardness and pain of the abdomen radiating to the genitals, retraction of the testicles, painful hernia & acute abdominal pain, sweating of the genitals, damp itching of the genitals, pain of the hypogastrium, heat sensation below the umbilicus, pain and cold around the umbilicus, retention of urine and faeces, inability to urinate, dark urine, oedema, sudden turmoil disorder, bowel sounds, pain of the lumbar spine, contraction of the lumbar spine and knees, failure of the fontanelle to close, nosebleed, rushing sensation up the spine, vomiting blood, pain of the chest and lateral costal region
The point information was compiled from multiple sources including College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney Australia. Point location diagram recreated from A Manual of Acupuncture, P Deadman.