Support the Mountain
Ma Dan-yang Heavenly Star point
Bl: I need approval; I am free to be myself. Control. I’m in charge of my life.
Haemorrhoids, bleeding haemorrhoids, swollen and painful haemorrhoids, constipation, prolapse of the rectum, pain and stiffness of the lumbar region, sciatica, difficulty sitting and standing, inability to stand for long, cramps, pain and contraction of the sinews, swollen knee, heavy legs, flaccidity and weakness of the leg, pain of the heel, heat sensation in the soles with inability to stand for long, shivering, nosebleed, sore throat, heat in the head
The point information was compiled from multiple sources including College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney Australia. Point location diagram recreated from A Manual of Acupuncture, P Deadman.