Bladder Bl

Bladder Bl

Ba Gua
Primary Function

The Bladder channel is the longest and most extensive channel. It has little effect on its related fu (the bladder) but connects with most channels, regions and areas of the body. The back-shu points, the points on the foot and the points on the head are all very important points for the zangfu and the brain. Regulate the Zangfu via the back shu connections – which also affect the associated tissues and sense organs.

Areas / Symptoms
Brief Psychology
ControlControl external to be safedrivenwithdrawalnever restWillVigilance
Primary functions
Heart and brain integrationheadbrain and sense organspsycho-emotional disordersDisorders of the eyesDisorders of the noseDisorders of the headDisorders of the faceRegulate the Zangfu via the back shu connections

Begins at inner canthus of eye, ascends to vertex, intersects with GB15, Gv24, Gv20, from vertex a branch descends to the temples intersecting GB7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, another branch descends from the vertex to the occiput 1 bin either side of the midline, another branch from the vertex enters the brain and meets GV17 then emerges to nape of neck where it splits into two branches. The first branch travels alongside the spine 1.5 bin lateral to the midline, intersecting Gv13 and Gv14, penetrates deep into the body, the paravertebral muscles, kidneys and bladder. A sub-branch separates in the lumber region, descends along the sacrum, buttocks to Bl40 at the knee. The second branch descends 3 bin lateral to the spine, crosses the buttock to intersect with GB30, descends on the lateral part of the leg to meet the other branch at Bl40, descends through the gastrocnemius, emerges behind the lateral malleolus at Bl60, and runs to Bl67.

Zangfu Connections
6 Channel Partner
Divergent Channel

Separates at the popliteal fossa, ascends to a point 5 bin inferior to the sacrum, winds around the anus, connects with Bl and Ki, ascends along spine and disperses in the region of the heart, emerges at the neck to rejoin Bl primary channel.

Luo Connecting Channel

Separates at Bl58 and connects with Ki channel

Sinew Channel

Originates at the little toe ascends to bind at lateral aspect of knee, another branch separates below the ankle, binds at the heel, ascends along Achilles tendon to popliteal fossa, binds at the buttock, ascends to the nape of the neck, a branch penetrates to bind at the tongue, the main channel binds at the occiput, ascends over the crown to bind at the bridge of the nose, circles the eyes and binds at the cheekbones, another branch ascends the back and binds at LI15, another branch crosses beneath the armpit to the supraclavicular fossa and rises to the cheek bone.

Channel Meeting points

GB15, Gv20, Gv24, GB7, GB8, GB9, GB10, GB11, GB12, GB30, Gv17, Gv14, Gv13, LI4, SI10, GB23

Time of Day
3pm to 5pm
Negative Aspects
Positive Aspects

Cutaneous region


Key aspects

  • Connects with kidneys, brain, organs (back shu points), eyes, ears, nose, heart
  • Urination
  • Balancing the organs
  • Heart brain issues
  • Hamstrings, erector spinae, gastrocnemius and soleus


Acupuncture Points

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