Du25 Suliao – Ordinary unadorned bone

Mode Category
Balance Type
Emotions Spirit and DestinyAdvanced VHS/MBMDu Mai Points
Balance information
Balance for
structure essence true essence true to oneself no pretence shed mask false self core self free

Du25 Suliao – Ordinary unadorned bone

Location: tip of nose.

The characters of this point are symbolic of uncovered, ordinary bone. Bones are representative of the structure and essence of ourselves.

This point allows us to just be simply ourselves, our true essence in our life. No pretence, no mask, just truly be our core self in all we do.

Imagine being alone in your favourite place in nature, at one with yourself and your surroundings. When you are ready shed your clothing and run around freely just expressing yourself. Maybe go for a swim in a pond, pick strawberries or sunbake on a rock. Do whatever feels most right at the time. Enjoy being free to just be yourself.