Yin Portals of the Head
Meeting point with Bladder, SI and SJ channels
SJ: Other people give me no choice. I need to put others first before I make choices for myself. SI: No one understands my choices. I communicate what is behind my decisions with other people. I listen to my heart when I make decisions. Bl: I am controlled by others. I must consult others before making a decision. I know what is right for me.
Headache, dizziness, eye pain, ear pain, tinnitus, deafness, stiff tongue, bleeding from the root of the tongue, nauseating bitter taste in the mouth, stiffness and pain of the neck, goitre, throat painful obstruction, pain of the lateral costal region, cough, absence of sweating, contraction of the sinews of the four limbs, agitation and heat of the hands and feet
The point information was compiled from multiple sources including College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney Australia. Point location diagram recreated from A Manual of Acupuncture, P Deadman.