Seeing inner self; whether we can see the true beauty within and sit with what is rather than focussing on achieving certain outcomes
Thunder types have high expectations of themselves. They are sensitive to criticism and try to avoid it by being perfect. Inevitably this leads to disappointment and self-criticism when things don't go perfectly. The outcome is a sense of failure and a perception that they are not good enough.
What drives them is a need for acceptance or a need to avoid rejection. They equate acceptance with a need to do and perform to people’s expectations.
They use their mind a lot to try to work out what others expect. This makes decision making very difficult because they try to balance to find a path that conforms with the often conflicting expectations of different people.
Sometimes the need to avoid failure is so great that they become completely stuck – not willing to do something new and risk failure. This leads to tremendous stress over time because they inevitably get to a point where doing nothing is also perceived by them as a type of failure. So they are damned if they do (possibly fail) and damned if they don't (doing nothing is a failure). This can lead to tremendous frustration.
The need to be perfect drives a need for constant improvement. Their life is about performance and doing. Being a ‘blob’, doing nothing, is not an option. This need to improve can make it difficult for them to speak about, or admit to, things not being optimal. “I used to be like that” is a common thing for them to say.
Thunder types have a mental list of attributes that they are trying to live up to. They plan and work towards goals. Often their list of expectations dominate their life. What they don't realise is that their list is what is responsible for their lack of freedom. Its not that they are constrained by society, but more that they constrain themselves. This leads to a sense that they are stuck, leading to frustration and anger.
Anger is the emotion associated with being stuck. Thunder types inevitably will have anger – either repressed and pushed inside or expressed. They are very hard on themselves and often this is internalised as anger with themselves.
They tend to be habitual – holding to the same patterns for a certain amount of time. However, the energy of thunder allows for some occasional clarity and plenty of impetus for large change. So commonly they make a large change in their life every now and then and then settle down into the same patterns.
They are so used to thinking of others expectations that they often have difficulty connecting with what is right for them in their own heart. In relationships this can make them really indecisive. ‘Is this the right person for me ?’ is a common question.
The key for thunder types is they need to redefine their conception of who they are. While they are what they do they will never have freedom. They instead will be a slave to expectations and perfectionism.
The question that needs answering is: if I take away what I do, what is left? To answer this they need to think of someone or some animal they have bonded with. Ask themselves why do I accept and love them? Is it because they are useful and perfect? When they do this they realise that there is something unique and beautiful inside their pet/ child or partner and it is that which they accept and love.
Seeing inside is the key. Once we really see the beauty of what’s inside its impossible not to accept unconditionally.
Freedom is found by being comfortable just ‘being’. It comes from letting go of the list of expectations we have of ourselves and allowing ourselves to just be ourself.
Thunder is comprised of a yang line below two yin lines. The yang line at the bottom or beginning symbolises decisive action when thunder types are clear and understand what needs to be done.
Thunder types aim to meet others expectations in order to be accepted and to avoid criticism and rejection. They find it hard to make decisions because different people have different expectations. It makes it very difficult to make decisions that meet all expectations.
This is exacerbated by their fear of failure. Failure must be avoided at all costs. Sometimes this leads them to doing nothing since doing something may result in failure. However, in the longer term doing nothing starts to be percieved by them as another type of failure.
They are critical of themselves either way.
They strive for perfection and are very hard on themselves. They often feel trapped and don't realise that their lack of freedom stems from the expectations that they have of themselves.
Thunder has tremendous power. It rattles and shakes things up. This energy in thunder can hit them with a sudden insight or understanding. This insight can be used to transform their life through direct action.
Thunder is associated with the yang aspect of Wood. The yang aspect of Wood relates to decisions and action. They act decisively when they clearly understand the right course of action. Their actions are not based on previous habit but rather clear understanding.
Thunder can shake trees so their dead leaves fall off. It is a force we can use to shake free of the shackles that bind us to a life of habit. It transforms stagnation to movement. It provides a basis for transformation, breaking up self imposed limitations and breaking free of family norms.
Its important to break free of habitual behaviours by opening up to the insights of their heart and spirit, seeing their life as it really is. Allow insight and understanding from within to drive your actions rather than other people’s expectations.
Acceptance of the insights of the heart and spirit is the key. This enables them to no longer worry about what others think, because in accepting them self they no longer crave the acceptance of others. By accepting their own deep insights, they have the clarity that inspires change and decisive action.
The key to acceptance is to be able to view what is inside of themselves. When we bond truly to others we get a sense of knowing what is in their heart. It is this that provides the platform for unconditional acceptance. The acceptance they may have for their pets or their children. The same is true for themselves. If they view what is in their own heart then acceptance will inevitably follow.
Possible Goals: I accept the insights of my heart, I act from heart, I enact the plans of my heart, I accept my inner self.
Thunder symptoms
Sudden disorders, pain in the nerves, disorders affecting the senses, movement, sympathetic nervous system, the legs, tendons, gall bladder, birth, growth and development (spring).