The Yang Wei Mai attaches and links all the yang of the body.
The Yang Wei Mai attaches and links all the yang of the body. It forms a net for yang, affecting all yang throughout the entire body. In a sense it holds together the yang, ruling and binding it. It connects to the yang channels of the leg and to the DuMai, thus linking to the source of yang. It relates particularly to defensive qi (wei qi).
The vessel begins at Bl63 ascends lateral malleolus to GB35 (xi cleft point), along GB channel across the hip to the shoulder where it passes through SI10, SJ15, GB21, ascends to the forehead St8, GB13,14,15. It ascends the head to GB16,17,18,19, 20 and then to the back of the neck at Du15,16. There is some argument about whether the vessel goes from the front to the back of the head or from the back to the front of the head. Its trajectory complements the Yin Wei Mai which connects with the Ren Mai.
Yang Wei Mai—Thunder
The characters for Wei includes a character of threads of silk, symbolising a net and an ability to bind and link. It also includes a character representing the feathers of a bird with a short tail and its feathers folded neatly over each other. This character is symbolic of a special kind of linking.
The meaning of the Wei characters is to tie and hold fast. The Wei Mai’s function is to maintain order and harmony of yin and yang and ensure yin and yang are firmly attached to this life.
The Yang Wei Mai attaches and links all the yang of the body. It forms a net for yang, affecting all yang throughout the entire body. In a sense it holds together the yang, ruling and binding it. It connects to the yang channels of the leg and to the DuMai, thus linking to the source of yang. It relates particularly to defensive qi (wei qi).
It relates psychologically to holding yourself to your nature. Standing firm and following your own path in life. There may be a lack of will.
Pathway: The vessel begins at Bl63 ascends lateral malleolus to GB35 (xi cleft point), along GB channel across the hip to the shoulder where it passes through SI10, SJ15, GB21, ascends to the forehead St8, GB13,14,15. It ascends the head to GB16,17,18,19, 20 and then to the back of the neck at Du15,16. There is some argument about whether the vessel goes from the front to the back of the head or from the back to the front of the head. Its trajectory complements the Yin Wei Mai which connects with the Ren Mai.
In Treatment: The Nan Jing difficulty 29 states that an imbalance in Yang Wei Mai produces symptoms related to cold and heat, particularly where shivers and fevers alternate. This relates to poor defensive qi, and may produce an aversion to cold. It controls the exterior and preserves the yang. It affects all the yang channels, and strongly affects the Gall Bladder and Bladder channels. It is particularly indicated for diseases of the superficial parts of the body, especially with chronic disease and paralysis. It is used for articular problems involving hips and shoulders, skin conditions such as acne and boils. Modern indications include nucleus of cells (DNA), cerebrum, cerebellum, pineal gland, depressive- paranoid personality, motor neuron disease, cancer in men.
Master and Coupled Point
SJ-5 (L=male, R=female),
Gb-41 (L=female, R=male).