brain, hearing, all organs
Related Muscles
Longissimus group, Spinalis group, Iliocostalis group
Origins: Separate slips of muscle arising from the sacrum, crest of ilium, spinous processes, transverse processes, and ribs.
Insertions: Into the ribs, transverse processes, spinous processes, and occiput.
Actions: Extension, lateral flexion, segmental rotation of the vertebrae and lateral movement of the pelvis.
Position: Lying prone with hands placed on lower back/sacrum, body is extended.
Rotation: Rotate torso to move shoulder posterior on side being tested.
Stabilise: Opposite hip (or sacrum)
Monitor: Monitor in a direction to flex the body and unwind the rotation towards a neutral spine.
Nerve Supply: segmental spinal nerves (depends on muscles) – rub along spine
Visceral Nerves:
Sympathetic: L1-L3
Parasympathetic: S2
Neuro-Lymphatic Reflex:
Anterior: Bilateral 2cm from the midline, 2cm superior to the pubic symphysis
Posterior: Bilateral transverse process of L2.
Neuro-Vascular Reflex: Bilateral frontal eminences.
Yuan Point: Bl64
Nutrition: Vit. A.