

Ren2 Qu Gu - Maze leading to a hidden/secret place
Ren3 Zhong Ji – Utmost limit of balance
Ren4 Guan Yuan – Gateway of origin
Ren5 Shi Men – Ancient Stone Gateway
Ren6 Qi Hai - Sea of Qi
Ren7 United Crossing of Yin
Ren8 Shen Que – Inner gateway tower of spirit
Ren9 Shui Fen - Flowing division of water
Ren10 Xia Wan - Lower earthly core
Ren11 Jian Li - An established place of cultivation
Ren12 Zhong Wan - Central duct or core
Ren13 Shang Wang - Upper heavenly core
Ren14 Ju Que - Great palace gateway
Ren15 Jui Wei - Loving protection of the dove
Ren16 Zhong Ting - Middle palace courtyard
Ren17 Tan Zhong – Sea of Qi/ Centre of our inner storehouse of light
Ren18 Yu Tang - Ancestral hall of jade
Ren19 Zi Gong - The palace of royal purple
Ren20 Hua Gai - Hidden opening of our inner flower
Ren21 Xuan Ji – The jade within the pearl
Ren24 Cheng Jiang - Receiving the rich broth of life
Ki 11 Heng Gu - Great beam of horizontal bone
Ki 12 Da He - Full glorious brightness
Ki9 Zhu Bin (Xi cleft point) – Guest serving our foundations/ building for the guest
Ki13 Qi Xue – Qi cave/ opening of qi/ door of infants
Ki14 Si Man – Fullness and balance of four
Ki15 Zhong Zhu – Flowing from the centre
Ki16 Huang Shu – Direct transfer to the vital regions
Ki17 Shang Gu – Flexible merchant/ accommodate, deliberate and trade
Ki18 Shi Guan – Strong rough stone gateway or stone border
Ki19 Yin Du – Inner/Yin Capital
Ki20 Tong Gu – Open flowering valley
Ki21 You Men – Dark hidden secret gateway
Lv14 Qi Men – Gateway of expectation and hope
Sp11 Ji Men – Gateway to a harvest basket made of bamboo
Sp13 Fu She - To dwell in the inner palace
Sp15 Da Heng – The great balance / horizontal beam
Sp16 Fu Ai – To caress our laments with compassion
St30 Qi Chong – A great thoroughfare of qi
Ren 1 Hui Yin – Meeting of the inner seas of Yin and vitality
Ren 23 Lian Quan - Correctly angled spring water
Ren22 Tian Tu – Passage to heaven
GB26 Dai Mai – To carry the vital circulation
GB27 Wu Shu – Central pivot point of five
GB28 Wei Dao – The binding of one’s path
Lv13 Zhang Men – The opening of a beautiful composition
Du1 Chang Qiang – Powerful thrust of energy
Du2 Yao Shu – Direct energetic transfer to the loins
Du3 Yao Yang Guan – Gateway to the yang vitality of the loins
Du5 Xuan Shu – Suspended Pivot
Du6 ji Zhong – centre of the spine
Du7 Zhong Shu – vitality pivot
Du8 Jin Suo – Ease and strength of muscles
Du9 Zhi Yang – Fullness of the yang
Du10 Ling Tai – Spirit tower
Du11 Shen Dao – The true path of spirit
Du12 Shen Zhu - Supporting pillar of life
Du13 Tao Dao – The transforming fires of the Dao
Du14 Da Zhui – Striking the great vertebra with importance
Du15 Ya Men - Gateway of Muteness
Du16 Feng Fu – The palace of wind
Du17 Nao Hu – Doorway to the brain
Du18 Qian Jian – Strength of quiet emptiness
Du19 Hou Ding – Summit of earthly life
Du20 Bai Hui – Meeting in grand unity, 100 meeting point
Du21 Qian Ding – Heavenly summit
Du22 Xin Hui – Meeting of the skull bones
Du23 Shang Xing – Our unique heavenly star
Du24 Shen Ting – courtyard of the spirit
Du25 Suliao – Ordinary unadorned bone
Du26 Ren Zhong – Man’s centre
Du27 Dui Duan – to open with correct reason
Du28 Yin Jiao – The river mouth crossing the sea
Bl59 Fu Yang – To access the movement of yang (xi cleft point)
Bl61 Pu Can – To serve with counsel
Bl62 Shen Mai – Extending the body/ extending vessel
LI15 Jian Yu – Shouldering and sustaining life/ shoulder bone
LI16 Hu Gu – Very large bone
St 2 Si Bai – The pure white energy of four
St 3 Ju Liao – The greatness of bone
St1 Cheng Qi – Receiving the tears of autumn
St4 Di Cang – Gathering of the earthly harvest/ earth granary
GB20 Feng Chi – Reservoir of the winds
GB29 Ju Liao – Dwell in the strength and protection of bone
Bl63 Jin Men – Rich gateway of gold
GB13 Ben Shen - The root of spirit
GB14 Yang Bai – Pure clear energy of yang
GB15 Tou lin qi – Kindly allowing tears to flow / Head before crying / Head directed by kind waters
GB16 Mu Chuang – The eye’s window
GB17 Zheng Ying – Correct upright plan/ upright living
GB18 Cheng Ling – Receiving of Spirit
GB19 Nao Kong – The vastness of the brain/ brain hollow
GB21 Jian Jing - Well of the shoulder
GB35 Yang Jiao - Crossing network of yang (xi cleft point)
SI10 Nao Shu - Vital Strength of the shoulder/ shoulder blade shu
SJ15 Tian Liao – Bone of Heaven
St8 Tou Wei – Place of Tied Thoughts
Bl1 Jing Ming – Eyes full of illumination
Ki2 Ran Gu – The valley of bright warm sunshine
Ki6 Zhao Hai – Sea of illumination
Ki8 Jiao Xin – Sincere, trusting and good exchanges (xi cleft point)
St9 Ren Ying – Receive our humanity
St12 Que Pen – Broken earthenware pot