Acupuncture Points

Acupuncture Points

Acupuncture points are colour coded to show whether they are key points or have balances. They are also marked with bands if they are to be avoided during pregnancy. Color codes (learn more here): Banded is to be avoided during pregnancy - especially ones pointing left / Red is a key point and likely has a balance associated with it Yellow has a balance associated with it Green ones are Master points Blue pins are extraordinary points White are not associated with a balance
PointForbidden in Pregnancy?Special Point
At No TimeAcupunctureContraindicated
Spirit PointKey PointYuan Point
At No TimeAcupunctureContraindicated
Key PointJing RiverFire Point
At No TimeAcupunctureContraindicated
Jing WellMetal Point
At No TimeAcupunctureContraindicatedAfter 3rd monthMoxibustion
Jing WellWood Point
At No TimeAcupunctureContraindicated
Ying SpringFire Point
At No TimeAcupunctureContraindicated
Jing RiverMetal Point
At No TimeAcupunctureContraindicated
Key PointMaster Point
At No TimeMoxibustion
At No TimeDermal Hammer
At No TimeMoxibustion
Jing RiverMetal Point
At No TimeMoxibustion
Key PointYing SpringFire Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Alarm PointFront-Mu Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Key PointAlarm PointFront-Mu Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Spirit PointKey Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Key Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Spirit PointKey PointAlarm PointFront-Mu Point
After 1st monthAcupunctureAfter 8th monthDermal Hammer
Spirit Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Key Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Key Point
After 1st monthAcupunctureAfter 4th monthDermal Hammer
After 1st monthAcupunctureAfter 5th monthMoxibustion
After 1st monthAcupunctureAfter 5th monthMoxibustion
After 1st monthAcupunctureAfter 5th monthMoxibustion
Key PointHe SeaEarth Point
After 1st monthAcupunctureAfter 8th monthMoxibustion
Spirit Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Back-Shu Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Back-Shu Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Back-Shu Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Back-Shu Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Spirit Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Spirit Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Luo Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Spirit Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Spirit Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Spirit Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Spirit Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Key PointHe SeaLower He Sea
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Key PointBack-Shu Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Key Point
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
After 1st monthAcupuncture
Spirit PointKey PointAlarm PointFront-Mu Point
After 2nd monthAcupunctureAfter 6th monthDermal Hammer
After 2nd monthMoxibustion
After 2nd monthMoxibustionAfter 1st monthDermal Hammer
After 2nd monthMoxibustion
Key Point
After 2nd monthMoxibustion
Key Point
After 3rd monthDermal Hammer
Back-Shu Point
After 3rd monthDermal Hammer
After 3rd monthAcupuncture
Key PointYing SpringFire Point
After 3rd monthAcupunctureAfter 6th monthMoxibustion
Yuan Point
After 4th monthMoxibustion
After 4th monthAcupuncture
After 4th monthAcupuncture
Master PointKey PointLuo Point
After 4th monthAcupuncture
Spirit PointMaster PointKey PointLuo Point
After 4th monthAcupunctureAfter 3rd monthMoxibustion
Key PointHe SeaWater Point
After 4th monthAcupuncture
Xi-CleftKey Point
After 4th monthMoxibustion
Key Point
After 4th monthAcupuncture
He SeaEarth Point
After 5th monthAcupuncture
Spirit PointKey Point
After 5th monthMoxibustion
Master PointKey Point
After 5th monthMoxibustion
After 5th monthMoxibustion
After 5th monthMoxibustion
After 5th monthMoxibustion
Spirit PointYin Qiao Mai
After 5th monthAcupuncture
Key Point
After 5th monthAcupuncture
After 5th monthAcupuncture
After 5th monthAcupuncture
After 5th monthAcupuncture
After 5th monthAcupuncture
Key PointAlarm PointFront-Mu Point
After 5th monthAcupuncture
After 5th monthAcupuncture
After 5th monthAcupuncture
After 5th monthAcupuncture
After 5th monthAcupuncture
After 5th monthAcupuncture
Key PointLuo Point
After 5th monthAcupuncture
Alarm PointKey PointFront-Mu Point
After 5th monthAcupuncture
After 5th monthAcupuncture
After 5th monthAcupuncture
After 5th monthAcupuncture
After 5th monthAcupuncture
After 5th monthAcupuncture
After 6th monthAcupuncture
After 6th monthDermal Hammer
After 6th monthAcupuncture
After 6th monthAcupunctureMoxibustion
After 6th monthAcupuncture
After 6th monthAcupunctureMoxibustion
After 6th monthAcupuncture
Master PointKey PointLuo Point
After 6th monthAcupuncture
Spirit PointMaster PointKey PointLuo Point
After 6th monthAcupuncture
Jing WellMetal Point
After 6th monthAcupuncture
Key PointJing RiverFire Point
After 6th monthAcupuncture
Shu StreamWood Point
After 6th monthAcupuncture
Jing WellMetal Point
After 6th monthAcupuncture
Ying SpringWater Point
After 6th monthAcupunctureAfter 5th monthDermal Hammer
After 6th monthAcupuncture
After 6th monthAcupunctureAfter 5th monthDermal Hammer
After 6th monthAcupuncture
After 6th monthAcupuncture
After 6th monthAcupuncture
After 6th monthAcupunctureMoxibustion
After 6th monthAcupuncture
After 6th monthAcupuncture
After 6th monthAcupuncture
After 6th monthAcupunctureAfter 5th monthDermal Hammer
After 6th monthAcupuncture
After 7th monthAcupuncture
After 7th monthAcupuncture
After 7th monthAcupuncture
After 7th monthAcupuncture
Master PointKey PointShu StreamWood Point
After 7th monthAcupuncture
After 8th monthDermal Hammer
Key PointAlarm PointFront-Mu Point
After 8th monthAcupuncture
Key PointYing SpringWater Point
After 8th monthAcupuncture
Key Point
After 9th monthAcupuncture
After 9th monthAcupuncture
After 9th monthAcupuncture
After 9th monthMoxibustion
After 9th monthMoxibustion
After 9th monthMoxibustionDermal Hammer
After 9th monthDermal Hammer
Key Point
After 9th monthMoxibustion
After 9th monthMoxibustion
Key Point
After 9th monthDermal Hammer
Spirit Point
After 9th monthDermal Hammer
Spirit Point
After 9th monthMoxibustion
After 9th monthMoxibustion
After 9th monthAcupuncture
Ying SpringFire Point
After 9th monthAcupuncture
Key PointJing RiverMetal Point
After 9th monthAcupuncture
Spirit PointKey PointJing WellWood Point
After 9th monthAcupuncture
Key Point
After 9th monthAcupuncture
After 9th monthAcupuncture
After 9th monthAcupuncture
After 9th monthAcupuncture
After 9th monthAcupuncture
After 9th monthAcupuncture
After 9th monthAcupuncture
After 9th monthAcupuncture
Spirit Point
After 9th monthAcupuncture
Key Point
After 9th monthAcupuncture
Key PointShu StreamYuan PointEarth Point