Care (SocNS)

Care (SocNS)

Mode Category
Balance Type
Social Nervous System
Balance information
Balance for
care for selfcare by otherscare for othersconnection

Care (Social Nervous System)

Care is clearly a Soc NS survival emotion. It relates the oxytocin induced immobilisation without fear that allows for feeding of the baby. Useful for clients that have problems connecting and caring for and being cared for by individuals

This should be largely covered in the Generalised Social Nervous System balance. If there are still specific problems the following could be tried.

  • Eye contact (you smile) P/L
  • Eyes closed (SNS) & open (PNS), or both also eyes open in the dark Therapist: Speak calmly, listen with eye contact, and be still
  • Play baroque music quietly, aim to have everything else silent

Activate and P/L:

  • Imagine being held in your mother’s arms Imagine holding your child in your arms Imagine being cared for (can simulate womb) Imagine caring for others
  • Reproductive organs: CH sacral chakra, Ren-4Ren-4 Ren-6Ren-6 Sp-6Sp-6
  • Hormones – progesterone, oestrogen, prolactin, testosterone, dopamine, serotonin CH: Earth psychology
  • CH: all Ren Mai and Chong Mai points
  • CH: Sp and St
  • Care points: Ren-8Ren-8 Ren-15Ren-15 SJ-10SJ-10 St-18St-18 Bl-61Bl-61
  • Service points: Bl-4Bl-4 KI-9KI-9
  • Good exchanges: KI-8KI-8 Sacral Chakra
  • CH: Touch
  • Sp-21 Sp-21 (nurturing point)
  • Reticular Activating System brain stem Du-16Du-16 + coma points Du-26Du-26 Ht-9Ht-9 SI-1SI-1 Pc-9Pc-9
  • Hypothalamus Du-25Du-25
  • Fire A/Ps & muscles
  • Age recess to find key causal event

Have the client focus on the sensations as you rub

  • Free the neck – moving neck relative to shoulders (harmonic technique)
  • Rub behind ears to the mastoid process
  • Rub the ears
  • Rub neck and scalp
  • Release TMJ muscles (gently)
  • Release the shoulders
  • Extend the back, monitor extensor muscles
  • SI-19SI-19 (auditory stress)
  • Ht-7Ht-7 + Have the client focus on relaxing their heart while breathing out
  • Hold Ren-14Ren-14 Ren-15Ren-15 Ren-17Ren-17
  • Oxytocin neurotransmitter on Cv14 (associated with feeling safe) + vasopressin (unsafe)
  • Have client smile
  • Rub Bl-9Bl-9 (survival), Bl-10Bl-10, Du-16Du-16 (both good back brain points), Du-15Du-15 (speech)
  • Lu-9Lu-9 + Have the client breathe in quickly (2 seconds) and out slowly (7 seconds)
    • While breathing out have the imagine relaxing the abdomen and back
  • Alternatively they could be encouraged to sing
    • singing encourages this type of breathing + engages middle ear muscles

Balance and clear

  • Jaw, cranials, cranial reflexes, neck muscles, eye muscles, scalp Harmonic technique on neck
  • ESD fear balance
  • Progressive muscle relaxation with focussing or felt sense
  • Clear Bl9 and/or Bl10 and/or Gv16 and/or Ht7 against:

Clear Bl-9Bl-9 and/or Bl-10Bl-10 and/or Du-16Du-16 and/or Ht-7Ht-7 against:

  • Vaccines, viruses, bacteria
  • Check/clear amygdaloid emotion points
  • Check/clear senses points (Gb-44Gb-44 Gb-11Gb-11 Bl-8Bl-8)
  • Check/clear eye modes - Du-16Du-16 – 100% access
  • Bl-9Bl-9 – 100% access
  • Bl-10Bl-10 – 100% access
  • Gb-20Gb-20 GB20 – 100% access
  • St-8St-8 + Du-24Du-24 – 100% access
  • Du-20Du-20 +Du-16Du-16 – 100% access
  • Bl-62Bl-62 – 100% access
  • KI-6KI-6 – 100% access
  • Ht-7Ht-7 – 100% access
  • Du-17Du-17 - 100% access (gateway from heart to brain)
  • Check points related to likely active sense/s
  • Check Spirit mode particularly Ht, SJ, SI, Pc, St, Sp
  • CH: Pelvic, cranial and head righting reflexes