Du2 Yao Shu – Direct energetic transfer to the loins
Du2 Yao Shu – Direct energetic transfer to the loins
creative drive impetus energy for creating sustaining life manifest our destiny dynamic growth
Du3 Yao Yang Guan – Gateway to the yang vitality of the loins
Du3 Yao Yang Guan – Gateway to the yang vitality of the loins
passion vitality core energy yang energy unique drive passion for life warmth foundation of life
Du-4 Ming Men – Gate of Destiny
Du-4 Ming Men – Gate of Destiny
return to authentic self avoid habitual behaviour burn off limiting beliefs life path core fires original nature purpose fully express manifest destiny nourish original nature stoke fire liming beliefs shed old behaviours
Du10 Ling Tai – Spirit tower
Du10 Ling Tai – Spirit tower
step back broader perspective insight transformation growth heart wisdom
Du11 Shen Dao – The true path of spirit
Du11 Shen Dao – The true path of spirit
life journey work life connections vision reality original nature mania uplift heart depression
Du13 Tao Dao – The transforming fires of the Dao
Du13 Tao Dao – The transforming fires of the Dao
way of spirit true path potential inspiration endure flourish joy solidify changes
Du14 Da Zhui – Striking the great vertebra with importance
Du14 Da Zhui – Striking the great vertebra with importance
yang great force move forward move dynamically move forward in life
Du17 Nao Hu – Doorway to the brain
Du17 Nao Hu – Doorway to the brain
heart brain heart brain integration core joy harmony reflect our core
Du18 Qian Jian – Strength of quiet emptiness
Du18 Qian Jian – Strength of quiet emptiness
strength stillness endurance power emptiness true path self belief inner strength impetus for change transformation heart-head heart strength
Du20 Bai Hui – Meeting in grand unity, 100 meeting point
Du20 Bai Hui – Meeting in grand unity, 100 meeting point
depression major emotional turmoil united spirit unity harmony alignment centre body-mind quell chaos heart heaven spirit insight face difficulties clarity
Du22 Xin Hui – Meeting of the skull bones
Du22 Xin Hui – Meeting of the skull bones
open to spirit external spirit innocence wonder see life afresh wisdom of heaven
Du23 Shang Xing – Our unique heavenly star
Du23 Shang Xing – Our unique heavenly star
guiding light guidance find path true path ancestral connection connection with nature lost abandoned
Du24 Shen Ting – courtyard of the spirit
Du24 Shen Ting – courtyard of the spirit
illumination from spirit observation reflection contemplation quiet protected insight
Du25 Suliao – Ordinary unadorned bone
Du25 Suliao – Ordinary unadorned bone
structure essence true essence true to oneself no pretence shed mask false self core self free
Du26 Ren Zhong – Man’s centre
Du26 Ren Zhong – Man’s centre
nourishment heaven and earth connect with core core modest simple balance harmony live with harmony true nature
Du27 Dui Duan – to open with correct reason
Du27 Dui Duan – to open with correct reason
reason humility wisdom overcome grief overcome trauma insight learning growth
Du28 Yin Jiao – The river mouth crossing the sea
Du28 Yin Jiao – The river mouth crossing the sea
yin and yang movement and stillness nourishment and motion receptivity and power