Other modes
Specific Chakra Balance ST22
Unlike the Global approach where we focus on de-stressing as many chakras as possible, the Specific Chakra Balance allows us to focus on one chakra and all its related aspects.
Procedure Context/Activation:
- CH mode (ST22) – P/I/C - P/L
- CH ST22 in each of the 10 major chakras. For the major 7, CH Front and Back - P/I/C – P/L This is the chakra you will be
o Alternatively, use Chakra Mapping process to gain insight as to which chakra needs to be worked on.
- Discuss relevance of this chakra with the client. You may choose to read the client the background information about the
- Place client’s hand over the chakra and have them focus on the chakra and goal. While client continues to do this, CH for activations and apply (details for each on next page):
- Acupoints (E/M 5)
- Specific muscle (ST18)
- Organ (fist + ST finger)
- Gland (fist + BC finger)
- Hormone (fist + PS finger)
- Elements (verbally challenge each)
Challenge for priority correction. When balancing a specific chakra often more than one correction may be necessary. Corrections can be combined or done individually.
- Sound (ST18) - identify priority sound and apply over chakra. Challenge for how
- Essence (PS17) – identify priority essence, apply to chakra or under tongue. If appropriate, discuss description of
- Crystals (EM7) - select or challenge appropriate crystal/s for this If you have information about crystal discuss with client while crystal is placed into chakra space.
- Colour (PS1) – identify priority colour and place in chakra or have client look at or visualise. Consider coloured gels, coloured lights, Aura–Soma, coloured Often the colour used will be the color associated to that chakra, however in some cases the opposite spectrum (complementary) color may show if chakra needs sedating.
- Acupoints (E/M5) – CL relevant acupoints for chakra and clear while palming chakra (or have client focusing on/holding chakra). Balancing of acupoints can be done in variety of ways hold, pulse, add essence, rub, tai-shin, heat, cold.
- Palming (Hand in chakra) – palming can be integrated into many other corrections or done by itself. Use clear focus, intent and awareness and guide client into relaxed
Once chakra has been balanced, have client focus on goal and chakra and rechallenge ST22 in chakra. I/C – look for more corrections. No I/C – chakra is clear; consider homework.
Challenge ST22 in all other chakras - if another shows repeat process for that chakra. Challenge or discuss Home Reinforcement strategies for client (see further info below)