Other modes
Imagine being free of pain – ie. body feeling good Or goal (see below)
Contraindication Assessment
Neck and lumbar prechecks (see previous page) Recent accident with head trauma – refer for diagnosis Pins and needles and loss of feeling - take care
Postural Assessment
BF assessment – cross and homolateral, balance, gaits
Palpate painful areas (rub O/I and spindles if muscular)
If excess style pain: rub Lv3, LI4
If deficient style pain: rub St36, Sp3, Ki3
Emotional Postural assessment
T1-3 Metal/lungs; T4-7 Heart/Fire, T8-10 Liver/ Wood, T11-12 Spleen/ earth, L1-5 Ki, Sacrum and pelvis GB, Knees Ki; also assess what channel pathway or chakra is located in the area the pain is felt
Discuss and ask questions based on emotional postural assessment Determine likely constitution, discuss and find goal
ESD beliefs process can be important for chronic pain
If closed down: Pc6, Cv14, rub sternum, open shoulders, breathe deeply, Heart chakra
CH: Attitudes to Pain Ps16
Balance structure:
Pelvic stress ST4, Dural Torque ST24, Cranial-Pelvic Reflexes ST2, TMJ ST3, Cranials ST9, Neck Muscles ST2
Balance BF and movement
Balance emotions/psychology: Spirit mode, Toxic emotions EM11
Pain points and/or Xi cleft points (VHS1)
Walking 30 minutes per day Yoga or Tai chi or Pilates Deep breathing exercises
Homeopathic Remedies for Injuries, Pain, Physical or Emotional Shock
Aconite 200C: Shock, panic, anxiety, severe fright and intense fear. Fear that their life is being threatened.
Arnica 30C: Physical shocks, knocks, bruises or bruised feeling, soreness, physical trauma of any kind. The person may want to be left alone and may insist there is nothing wrong with them.
Bryonia 30C: Inflammation. Pain worse for any movement. Pain better for pressure and rest.
Carbo Vegetabalis 6C: Exhaustion after physical or emotional shock. The person is extremely weak, cold and may faint. They may be confused or indifferent.
Caulophyllum 30C: Stiffness of nape of neck. Cutting pain when closing hand.
Causticum 30C: Rheumatic, arthritic and paralytic conditions. Progressive loss of muscular strength. Tearing and drawing pains. Tension and stiffness of neck. Swelling of cervical glands.
Gelsemium 200c: Ailments after hearing bad news, grief or shock. The person may feel weak and exhausted and may be trembling. They are averse to company and may not want to speak to anyone. They can be confused and not know what to do next.
Hypericum 30C: Injuries to nerves. Puncture wounds. Injury to coccyx. Pain from physical trauma.
Ignatia 30C or 200C: Emotional rollercoaster. Highly changeable mood. Extremely sensitive. Ailments from grief, disappointment, bereavement or bad news. The person may sigh a lot and may have a sensation of a lump in the throat.
Nat Mur 30C or 200C: Closed heart after a deep emotional wound, unrequited love, disappointment or bereavement. Dwells on painful event.
Phosphoric Acid 30C: Exhaustion. Emotional numbness. Indifference. Depression.
Rhus Tox 30C: Pain which is worse for initial movement but improves with more movement. Worse for damp weather.
Staphysagria 30C: A good post-surgical remedy. There may be a feeling of violation.
Stramonium 200C: Pure terror. Extreme fear of violence. Nightmares. Rage, shock, fear. Ailments from fright after experiencing a violent attack. PTSD.
Symphytum 30C: Injuries to bone and periosteum.