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Limiting Beliefs: Setting Up an Emotion, Spirit and Destiny Session
Emotion Spirit and Destiny procedures can be used in combination with any other kinesiology system. However, if you are working on changing behaviour or on major life issues I suggest that you use the following to set up a session.
- Use intake questions and impressions to establish likely constitutional type or check constitutional type with I/M and discuss with client to confirm
- Establish goal from associated list
- Find limiting beliefs obstructing the goal - have the client say:
“I am 100% willing to work on the goal that...”, “in relation to ....element” [have them say each of the five elements starting with the constitutional type element].
Where client is not 100% willing in relation to an element check which aspect of element relates to the limiting beliefs ie:
- To do with the key words [if yes check list and find specific one]
- To do with the patterns [if yes find which one]
- To do with underlying lessons / life path [if yes find which one]
Script to feed back to the client –
There is some reason you are not 100% willing to work on the goal “.......”, something to do with [repeat the key word or paraphrase the relevant paragraph you read out]. Does anything come to mind?
Counsel to find beliefs – try to have them talk from the heart and find their own way. Possible additional questions to help: “relates to ..”
- An element
- Element emotion
- A channel emotion
- Relationships - family, love, relationships, isolation, betrayal, sex
- Roles – in family, as friend, as male or female, mother or father, husband or wife
- Spirit: spirit, god, longing, God’s plan, my purpose
- Work: supporting family, success or failure.
Relay again to the client –
“I am 100% willing to accept all changes flowing from ... (the goal)”, “in relation to ....element” [have them say each of the five elements starting with the constitutional type element].
Where client is not 100% willing in relation to an element check which aspect of element that contains the limiting beliefs as done above.
‘There is some reason you are not 100% willing to accept the changes that flow from the goal “.......”, something to do with [the key word or paraphrase the relevant paragraph you read out]. Does anything come to mind?’
4. Format for physical symptoms, play act the goal, activate muscles and cutaneous regions associated with the primary element related to the goal
5. Challenge permission to balance
6. Find appropriate correction procedure and correct
7. Challenge all limiting beliefs. physical symptoms, muscles, goal
8. Write down all rephrased beliefs to be given to the client to take home.
Examples of counselling questions:
- How does that make you feel?
- How does it make you feel about yourself?
- As a child, what would you have liked to have felt more of from your parents than
- When that happens how do you feel?
what you did?
- If you did.... what would happen?
- How would that change your relationships?
- Why? (in response to their answer)
- Because? (in response to their answer)