Toxic Emotions E/M11

Mode Category
Balance Type
Emotions Spirit and Destiny
Balance for
Toxic Emotions

Toxic Emotions E/M11

Toxic emotions refer to the situation where the habitual presence of a particular emotion has prompted a person to turn that emotion back on itself.

For example, the client may have fear of fear or be angry that they are angry. Having lost joy, particularly over a broken relationship a person may feel hatred. If this hatred is turned back on itself, ie. if they hate feeling hatred, then they are likely to become bitter and not open up anymore to others. This secrecy will often make them appear aloof and intimidating.

Toxic emotions often lead to physical illness.

Toxic emotions should be checked and cleared particularly if someone has a diagnosed pathology in an organ or cancer.

The concept of toxic emotions is discussed by Lonny Jarrett in his book Nourishing Destiny.

Five Elements

Core emotions
Toxic Emotion
Toxic Behaviour

grief; disconnect; guilt

SuperiorPush people awayLack of inspiration

fear, anxiety; withdraw


anger, frustration, indecision

Passive aggression

over thinking, worry, obsession, sympathy (Excess sensitivity)

Disgust (if advice not followed)

joy or lack of joy, sadness, connection; embarrassment; Hurt



  1. Use element modes or scan to find priority element H/L
  2. Challenge priority aspect/ aspects from list above H/L
  3. Discuss with client
  4. Activate Hardware associated with the element – muscles, cutaneous regions
  5. Hold the following points together with the VRP (choose the points associated with the involved element).
The first point drains the aggressive qi energy, the second supports the first in removing stagnation associated with the first point. The third point drains the source of the aggressive qi and the fourth point moves this qi on through the control cycle.

Wood toxic emotion points

Water toxic emotion points

Fire toxic emotion points

Earth toxic emotion points

Metal toxic emotion points

Table for site testing purposes:

Core Points
sedate and tonify
Wood toxic emotion points
Liv-4Liv-4 (sedate) + Sp-1Sp-1 (tonify)
Water toxic emotion points
KI-3KI-3 (sedate) + Ht-3Ht-3 (tonify)
Fire toxic emotion points
Ht-3Ht-3 (sedate) + Lu-10Lu-10 (tonify)
Earth toxic emotion points
Sp-1Sp-1 (sedate) + KI-3KI-3 (tonify)
Metal toxic emotion points
Lu-10Lu-10 (sedate) + Liv-4Liv-4 (tonify)


Acupuncture Points