Thoughts and feelings
QiLingEmotionsWorryNourishmentFinding Place for MeOriginal QiBalance head and heartUnity shoulder burden yin accepts yang analysis vs intuition empty mind to deal with others flexibly life flows on hearts path thoughts and feelingsQi Flow
Excessive neediness blocking receptivity anger earth point of Pc
QiLingJing Well Ying Spring Shu Stream Jing River He SeaQi FlowTonificationSedationEmotionsOriginal QientitiesghostsBrain Integrationbrainfear of intimacy letting go past relationships excessive neediness blocking receptivity to intimacy weary heart rushing intimacy shutdown intimacy physical intimacy boundariesFor Yin channels – for tonifying and harmonising their respective zang yin organsFor yang channels – treat disorders of their channel (not the fu) Heaviness of the body and pain of the joints Intermittent diseases such as malaria
Central bone of empire - core reach for what we need
QiLingEmotionsFearDrivenFocusedOriginal Qiconnection being of service to connect core connection to heart empty mind to access knowing deeper selfQi Flow
true to inner child
Virtue Negative Aspects of Self intimacy openness warm protected spontaneous control connection propriety (appropriate action) self mastery social interaction propriety external connection balance understanding of others understood by others discernment communication insight receptive valuable connected with heaven acting rightly pure inspired self worth letting go acknowledged alone sufficiency - having enough non-attached wisdom to treat myself well wisdom overcoming fear will driven clever able to rest full of life concentration focus meeting needs inside integrating myself into the wider world altruism reciprocity adaptability nourished understand myself true giving integrity interested in others adaptable giving and receiving self-esteem vision planning benevolent patient free flexible choice guarded vulnerable isolated unsafe betrayed hurt pained controllingQiLingJing Well Ying Spring Shu Stream Jing River He SeaQi FlowTonificationSedationEmotionsContentmentdisappointmentRelationship AnxietyLive truly difficult to assimilate truth vision of inner truth true to inner child value truth grounded thinking drawing on roots interpret meaning coming back to centre reborninsufficient digestive firepartially digested foodlow energyFor Yin channels – for tonifying and harmonising their respective zang yin organsFor yang channels – treat disorders of their channel (not the fu) Heaviness of the body and pain of the joints Intermittent diseases such as malariaSleeppain
outer boundaries intimacy issues inability to share heart timid avoid social contact superficial social contactEmotionsQi Flow
Cry of sadness – grief
EmotionsGuilt or GriefOriginal QiDisorders of the Abdomen Lumber region and back Head and nape Face and mouth Chest and lateral costal region ResuscitationHeadache Headache and speech Sinews arms hand skin Digestion Skin throat cold Speech anger eating Lumber pain stiffness of bones and sinews Constipation lumber pain knee Short breath groaning cramps Hip and leg pain Knee and leg Vision fright fits walkingallow tears to flow let go to move forward let go of old patterns purity of spirit capacity to let go fear of separation cry of sadness grief letting go of projects letting go of grief fear of letting go lossQi FlowSleep
EmotionsSuccessNurtureActivate SocNSOveractive SNSOveractive PNSlove protection peace spirit freedom express self create lifeQi Flow
Betrayal wood issues sexual trauma Inner frontier gate
Inner intentionCalms a restless heartquiets the mindbetrayal of intimacy (divorce - rape - incest)rapeincestEmotionsIntimacyInner ConnectionHurtDisorders of the Abdomen Lumber region and back Head and nape Face and mouth Chest and lateral costal region Resuscitationtrauma betrayal intimacy trauma sexual repression heartbreak sexual traumafear of intimacy letting go past relationships excessive neediness blocking receptivity to intimacy weary heart rushing intimacy shutdown intimacy physical intimacy boundariesstressdigestionimproving digestionstress affecting digestionliver invading spleenQi FlowSleeppain
Receptive to receiving from family and heritage
EmotionsWorryNourishmentFinding Place for MeOriginal Qigiving receiving receiving spirit receiving from mother focus on others receive from family excess sympathy stagnation of needs repression of needs selfishness internal nourishment judging needs deserve carestressdigestionimproving digestionstress affecting digestionliver invading spleenCandida overgrowthdeficient digestiondamp heatBalanceQi Flow
QiLingEmotionsIntimacyInner ConnectionHurtOriginal QiNutritional DeficiencyToxicityAllergyHeavy MetalsCell SaltsBalanceQi Flow
EmotionsSupportcalmnessstillnesssafetybelongingstabilityinsecuritiesleading guiding moving creatingQi Flow
OppositesBalanceExtremesReceivingLetting GoUnitySpirit balance judgment constraintoverly optimisticoverly pessimisticQiLingEmotionsGuilt or GriefOriginal QiDisorders of the Abdomen Lumber region and back Head and nape Face and mouth Chest and lateral costal region ResuscitationHeadache Headache and speech Sinews arms hand skin Digestion Skin throat cold Speech anger eating Lumber pain stiffness of bones and sinews Constipation lumber pain knee Short breath groaning cramps Hip and leg pain Knee and leg Vision fright fits walkingQi Flowpain
Wilderness hill re-evaluating fixed perspectives
QiLingEmotionsPlanningChangingStubbornStuckAngerOriginal Qiaspiration vs expectations fixed goals new chapter and hope aspiration expectations connection to heart aspirationsfixed perspectives overly focused re-evaluation failure fear of failure inaction due to fear of failure intuitive solutionsQi Flow
Clear illumination - adapting plan to circumstances
Toxic Emotions Fear Withdrawal Anger Frustration Lack of joy Embarrassment Hurt Sympathy (Excess sensitivity) Grief Disconnect Guilt Paranoia Disconnected Resentment Confused Bitterness Shame Defensive Disgust Disdain Worthless Immobilised Pointless Secrecy Intimidating Aloof Passive aggression Seething Always looking for a new answer Lying Sarcastic Teasing Blush and hide React and push back Prickly Ingratiation Complaining Direct people to be happy Superior Snide Push people away Lack of inspiration FutileEmotionsmake clear judgments and decisionssee things afreshbringing clarityChoicesResentmentFrustrationseeing what is acceptance root of spirit purity inside see things clearly adapting plansQi Flow
New chapter and hope
QiLingJing Well Ying Spring Shu Stream Jing River He SeaQi FlowTonificationSedationEmotionsChoicesResentmentFrustrationOriginal QiHeadache Headache and speech Sinews arms hand skin Digestion Skin throat cold Speech anger eating Lumber pain stiffness of bones and sinews Constipation lumber pain knee Short breath groaning cramps Hip and leg pain Knee and leg Vision fright fits walkingaspiration vs expectations fixed goals new chapter and hope aspiration expectations connection to heart aspirationsstressdigestionimproving digestionstress affecting digestionliver invading spleenSeat of personal power Confidence How we see ourselvesFor Yin channels – for tonifying and harmonising their respective zang yin organsFor yang channels – treat disorders of their channel (not the fu) Heaviness of the body and pain of the joints Intermittent diseases such as malariaSleeppain
Connection to heart and aspiration
EmotionsPlanningChangingStubbornStuckAngeraspiration vs expectations fixed goals new chapter and hope aspiration expectations connection to heart aspirationsQi Flow
Being of service to connect
QiLingJing Well Ying Spring Shu Stream Jing River He SeaQi FlowTonificationSedationEmotionsControlOriginal Qirecovery of the lost selflost selfjinginternal selfcore selfspiritfatigueshed fictional selfshed maskre-establishing connection with spiritliving our truthconnection being of service to connect core connection to heart empty mind to access knowing deeper selfinsufficient digestive firepartially digested foodlow energyfatiqueFor Yin channels – for tonifying and harmonising their respective zang yin organsFor yang channels – treat disorders of their channel (not the fu) Heaviness of the body and pain of the joints Intermittent diseases such as malarialost vitality feel tired listless impotent worn down great energy vitality potential guided wisdom core self internal calm stillnessSleeppain
EmotionsFearDrivenFocusedcalmnessstillnesssafetybelongingstabilityinsecuritiesragefreezeshockfrightpleasurefightflight fear based anxiety facing fears separation failure fear of failure fear of intimacy vigilance fear of feartrust trust ourselves trust others vigilenceQi Flowfear loneliness disconnection distrust ourselves overthinking balance fear internal knowing stillness vitality
Fear based anxiety vigilence
Toxic Emotions Fear Withdrawal Anger Frustration Lack of joy Embarrassment Hurt Sympathy (Excess sensitivity) Grief Disconnect Guilt Paranoia Disconnected Resentment Confused Bitterness Shame Defensive Disgust Disdain Worthless Immobilised Pointless Secrecy Intimidating Aloof Passive aggression Seething Always looking for a new answer Lying Sarcastic Teasing Blush and hide React and push back Prickly Ingratiation Complaining Direct people to be happy Superior Snide Push people away Lack of inspiration FutileEmotionsControlFear fear based anxiety facing fears separation failure fear of failure fear of intimacy vigilance fear of fearQi Flow
Allow tears to flow let go so can move forward
Toxic Emotions Fear Withdrawal Anger Frustration Lack of joy Embarrassment Hurt Sympathy (Excess sensitivity) Grief Disconnect Guilt Paranoia Disconnected Resentment Confused Bitterness Shame Defensive Disgust Disdain Worthless Immobilised Pointless Secrecy Intimidating Aloof Passive aggression Seething Always looking for a new answer Lying Sarcastic Teasing Blush and hide React and push back Prickly Ingratiation Complaining Direct people to be happy Superior Snide Push people away Lack of inspiration FutileEmotionsLetting Goallow tears to flow let go to move forward let go of old patterns purity of spirit capacity to let go fear of separation cry of sadness grief letting go of projects letting go of grief fear of letting go lossQi Flow
bliss point great abyss
Letting Go TransformationQiLingJing Well Ying Spring Shu Stream Jing River He SeaQi FlowTonificationSedationEmotionsActivate SocNSOveractive SNSOveractive PNSOriginal Qitaking in the majesty of life celestial palace inner self Humanity Bodyassimilation life story vision of inner truth value truth true to inner child draw on roots grounded thinkingbalancing parts of bodybody systems Yin organs yang organs qi lung qi heart qi sinews tightness muscle pain joint pain blood vessels blood flow neck pain back pain spine pain lumber pain weakness contraction in limbs pain in limbsqizangyinfuyangbloodSinewsmusclesvesselsbonemarrowbrainFor Yin channels – for tonifying and harmonising their respective zang yin organsFor yang channels – treat disorders of their channel (not the fu) Heaviness of the body and pain of the joints Intermittent diseases such as malaria
selfishness and needs
Toxic Emotions Fear Withdrawal Anger Frustration Lack of joy Embarrassment Hurt Sympathy (Excess sensitivity) Grief Disconnect Guilt Paranoia Disconnected Resentment Confused Bitterness Shame Defensive Disgust Disdain Worthless Immobilised Pointless Secrecy Intimidating Aloof Passive aggression Seething Always looking for a new answer Lying Sarcastic Teasing Blush and hide React and push back Prickly Ingratiation Complaining Direct people to be happy Superior Snide Push people away Lack of inspiration FutileEmotionsContentmentdisappointmentRelationship AnxietyrageFearfreezeshockfrightpleasurefightflightgiving receiving receiving spirit receiving from mother focus on others receive from family excess sympathy stagnation of needs repression of needs selfishness internal nourishment judging needs deserve careQi Flow
Spirit gate
spirittrue selfreturn to authentic selforiginal selfEmotionsCommunicationUnderstoodRejectedActivate SocNSOveractive SNSOveractive PNSOriginal QirageFearfreezeshockfrightpleasurefightflightopen hearted fear of opening spirit gate open within flexible boundaries bitterness penetrating inside repressed emotionsexpression of heart connection to spirit connection to heartQi FlowFor Yin channels – for tonifying and harmonising their respective zang yin organsFor yang channels – treat disorders of their channel (not the fu) Heaviness of the body and pain of the joints Intermittent diseases such as malariaSleep
Penetrating inside instinctive understanding
EmotionsHatredLoveCompassionSelf-possessedin-chargeHeadache Headache and speech Sinews arms hand skin Digestion Skin throat cold Speech anger eating Lumber pain stiffness of bones and sinews Constipation lumber pain knee Short breath groaning cramps Hip and leg pain Knee and leg Vision fright fits walkingopen hearted fear of opening spirit gate open within flexible boundaries bitterness penetrating inside repressed emotionsBrain IntegrationConfusionDizzinessDepressionEffective communicationExpressionability to listenloss of voiceQi Flow
Support uprightnessexpressing heart's intention Support uprightness expressing heart's intention
Toxic Emotions Fear Withdrawal Anger Frustration Lack of joy Embarrassment Hurt Sympathy (Excess sensitivity) Grief Disconnect Guilt Paranoia Disconnected Resentment Confused Bitterness Shame Defensive Disgust Disdain Worthless Immobilised Pointless Secrecy Intimidating Aloof Passive aggression Seething Always looking for a new answer Lying Sarcastic Teasing Blush and hide React and push back Prickly Ingratiation Complaining Direct people to be happy Superior Snide Push people away Lack of inspiration FutileEmotionsCommunicationUnderstoodRejectedforward flow connect deeper self express deeper self express heart’s intention reach out at heart level shine brightly inner self flowing into worldtrauma betrayal intimacy trauma sexual repression heartbreak sexual traumaQi Flow
Reaching out on heart level
QiLingEmotionsHatredLoveCompassionSelf-possessedin-chargeforward flow connect deeper self express deeper self express heart’s intention reach out at heart level shine brightly inner self flowing into worldQi Flow