Sleep Balance

Mode Category
Balance Type
Clinical Conditions
Balance information
Balance for

Frame using the following:

  1. Have client close eyes, use I/M and go through hours of the night (ie. 11pm, 12am, 1am, 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am, 6am) looking for I/C.
  2. Yin deficiency frame: need to address:
    • motivation driving the intense lifestyle
    • why it’s difficult to rest?
    • why it’s difficult to nourish self?
  3. Fire constitution or Wood constitution
  4. Consider working on pain first if that is the factor driving insomnia
  5. Focus on the motivator behind poor sleep - have a goal that relates to a core Should link this motivator with the yin deficient pattern or excess activity pattern.


Do number 1 in frame (see above) if you have not already done so

Assess eating and working patterns, particularly ask about stimulants, lighting, noise, time for calming down at night

Assess posture and palpate if they are in pain

General sleep points: rub Ht7, Pc6, Gv20

CH: Yin deficiency sleep problem: Sp3, 6, Ki3, 6, Cv4, Lu7

CH: Digestion/ vitality points: St36, Cv6, 12, 17

CH: Intense mind: St8, yin tan

CH: Depression points: Lv3, Pc6, Gv10, 20; activate Lv and GB channels

CH: Channels related to the time of night the person is waking

CH: Brow and Crown Chakra

CH: B vitamins, Copper, Iron, Magnesium deficiency

CH: Survival emotions, BF integration, balance, primitive reflex assessments

CH: Adrenal stress

CH: Thyroid


Balance above factors that showed IP/DI


Consistent sleep times – within 30 mins of previous day No stimulants and alcohol after midday

No eating within 3 hours of going to sleep

Reduce intensity of lighting at least 1 hour before bedtime, have relaxation time before bed time Consider doing meditation morning and night

Teach client progressive body relaxation as an alternative to sleep to use when they can’t sleep Refer to herbalist for vitality enhancing herbs

Encourage vitality enhancing exercise: walking, yoga or tai chi Homeopathics (see list on the following page)

Homeopathics for Sleep

Aconite 200C: Sleeplessness due to fright, fear, shock, anxiety, bad news, grief. Restlessness. May be woken by nightmares.

Arnica 30C: Sleeplessness due to jet lag or physical overwork or pain. Bed feels uncomfortable.

Arsenicum 30C: Anxious and sleepy during the day then anxious and restless at night. Wakes between midnight and 2 am. Anxious dreams.

Chamomilla 30C: Irritable children who cannot be calmed. Peevish and restless during first part of night. Frightening dreams.

Coffea 30C: Over-active mind, mental excitement, cannot switch off.

Ignatia 30C: Insomnia due to emotional shock or grief. Frequent sighing or yawning. Limbs jerk during sleep. Mood swings.

Lachesis 30C: Insomnia due to menopausal symptoms. Sensation of swaying. Night sweats. Awakes feeling anxious and unwell.

Lycopodium 30C: Wakes at 4am. Talks in sleep. Vivid dreams. Mind active before bedtime. Awakes with "Monday-itis" feeling.

Nux Vomica 30C: Sleeplessness from over-exertion and over-work. Sleeplessness from mental stress, alcohol, over-eating, noise, lack of sleep. Withdrawal from sedatives. Wakes early and cannot get back to sleep. Irritable and angry.

Pulsatilla 30C: Wakes early with over-active mind. Anxious, vivid dreams. Restless sleep. Night sweats. Feels too hot and throws covers off, then feels too cold. Insomnia worse after eating rich food.

Sepia 30C: Exhaustion form over-work or mental stress but difficulty in falling asleep. Sleep is unrefreshing. Irritable and sleepy during the day. Menopausal symptoms. Night sweats, headaches. Dizziness due to tiredness.

Tissue Salts: Kali Phos 6X + Mag Phos 6X + Calc Phos 6X: Anxiety, restlessness, over thinking. (This combination is good nerve tonic and muscle relaxant)


Acupuncture Points