Central Palace

Central Palace

Digestive issues
balancereceptivityfulfillmenta yearning to have everythingsupportedunsupportedundeservingspirit connectiongetting the most out of lifeemptypart of something biggerfullness
In disharmony
In terms of the 5 elements it is predominantly metal and earth
In disease
In terms of the 5 elements it is predominantly metal and earth
Key Issue

Moving into body and embodying spirit. Whether we open to receiving


Acupuncture Points

Table of contents


Central palace types strive for balance in their lives. This means that they want to feel fulfilled in all aspects of their lives – personal, professional, spiritual etc.

They want every aspect of their lives to be fulfilling, and are dissatisfied if one aspect is not optimal. This means they find it very hard to be satisfied. This constant need to make things right leads them to be very active in life.

Central Palace encompasses the whole. All channels are included, but themes most align to metal and earth.

They push to have things go they way they want, using their analytical mind to work through the best approach.

Relationships are important for Central Palace. It is one of the factors that they feel they need to be going right. Its important to them that their close friends and partner are attentive.

This focus on others requires energy and thought. They often keep a lid on their emotions, trying to stay controlled so as to ensure they have a positive communication style with others. The impact of this is to create an imbalance between their head and heart – they tend to overthink and become numb to their feelings.

This is all part of the broader pattern that sees their relationship with themselves given a lower priority than others. Inevitably this leads to a loss of connection with themselves and a sense that their heart is closed.

They are driven to have their emotional needs met but can be blind to this. They may find it hard to acknowledge that they are needy and may even feel repelled by that thought.

However, it is common for them to feel that how other close friends and family are feeling is important for their own emotional state. Often they feel bad if their close friends and family are not happy. As a result they become preoccupied with helping those around them to be happy, becoming very sensitive to others feelings.

Aiming to make others happy or to have a positive impact in the world they overthink as they assess what others need or what the world needs. It is this overthinking that creates their poor digestion.

The root of this overthinking is in the belief that others are essential to meeting their own emotional needs. For example in their quest to feel supported they may believe they need to provide support to others. In order to support others they think about what they need and what is the best way to support them.

With their mind constantly active its very easy for them to lose touch with their deeper self, and this separation leads to a sense of lack or loss. Sometimes this sense of loss leads to a quest for more spirit in their lives – perhaps leading them to explore a religion or meditation or possibly more time in nature.

The more separated they are from their sense of spirit the more they will feel unworthy. Some even feel as if they don't deserve to receive. Often there is a sense that they must prove themselves first, or contribute first before they are ‘deserving’.

The concept of deserving everything doing nothing is completely foreign. The root problem is that by living in their heads they don't respect their own inherent value. It is not until they have a moment where their mind switches off and they open to their surroundings that they remember that they are part of something bigger than themselves.


The key for central palace is openness and connection to all things. Its central theme is that of assimilating the whole – that requires openness and an ability to recognise I am part of the whole.

This openness to spirit – ie the ability to recognise that I am part of creation and interconnected to all things – is the key to balance. True balance comes when we are connected to spirit as the sense of being part of something bigger than ourselves grounds us, and reminds us that all creation has inherent value including ourselves. This is the key to feeling deserving of everything doing nothing.

By opening to spirit they become open to receiving from everything and everybody. Life is not then just about output.

As they move back into their bodies they more easily navigate feelings and express them and this enables them to open their hearts and truly connect with others. Because their needs are being met internally and through their awareness of spirit, they no longer need to focus on meeting others needs and the need to overthink and strive vanishes.


Central palace describes the sum of all eight aspects of the Ba Gua. It encompasses the whole. It sometimes is seen as the yin yang symbol – a symbol that encompasses the whole.

Balance is very important for this constitution. For them that means that all parts of their life are just right. They tend to focus on what is not optimal, making it difficult for them to be easily satisfied.

Being in the centre it has the qualities of receptivity, stability. Receptivity allows us to take in ‘the big picture’ – being able to see our full reality. In disharmony their beliefs and ego can present a distorted view of reality. They may try to accumulate things that feed their ego, ie trying to act to fulfil their ‘needs’ whether it be a relationship or car or house or nurturing. They seek to have it all, and they tend to always look to have more. It is difficult to be satisfied with what they have now and where they are at now.

Connection to spirit is important for this constitution. They have a tendency to over-think and lose their ability to open up to spirit. When they close off to spirit they may lose their sense of worth and try to establish worth by giving to and helping others.

People with this constitution often have difficulties opening up and allowing others or spirit in to nurture them. In disharmony it is difficult to allow love in.

They look to be complete, feeling more content and whole with a partner. In order to maintain their relationships they tend to lose themselves in the other person, being what they feel the other person wants. In the process they may feel like they lose themselves and may even prefer to be alone. This leads ultimately to discontentment.


The key to this pattern is to be open to receiving. Moving out of the head and into the body (less thinking and more in the moment) they are more readily able to connect with spirit.

When they openly receive from spirit they feel fulfilled and content.

In harmony they move out of their heads and don’t get lost in the little details of life. This enables them to remain conscious of the ‘bigger picture’ - which is important for their contentment.

Being receptive to spirit they assimilate all that they need. There is no need to accumulate external things, since we have internal peace. They are not forever looking to the future because each moment is treasured.

In opening up to spirit they come to recognise their implicit worth and value, satisfied with what they are rather than looking to what they might be.

Master Point associated with Central Palace is (Sp-4Sp-4 )