Blood deficiency
Blood deficiency
Exist for others
Milder than YinI am everyone elseI am my children or partnerTotally yieldingSupportivetest new one
dry nailsdry lipsdry hairproblems falling asleepDryness +HeatPulse higher than homeTongue drycrackedpossibly red (heat)Brittle nailsdry skinhair falling outPoor sleep + hot at nightMoody
Why is your life about others?How much do you focus on others rather than yourself?Dryness - what are you nails like?What is your hair like? Is your hair falling out?What are your lips like?How light are your periods?Are you stuck in regards to something to do with expressing your femininity?How do you feel about weakness/vulnerability/ being nurtured and dependent?
Yin (deficiency)
Yin (deficiency)
Exist for others
I am everyone elseI am my children or partnerTotally yieldingSupportivetest new one
FrontLeftMedialLowerExcessive PNSBurnt-outdry nailsdry lipsdry hairproblems falling asleepDryness+HeatPulse higher than homeTongue drycrackedpossibly red (heat)Brittle nailsdry skinhair falling outPoor sleep + hot at nightMoodyRedness
Why is your life about others?How much do you focus on others rather than yourself?Dryness - what are you nails like?What is your hair like? Is your hair falling out?What are your lips like?How light are your periods?
Qi deficiency
Qi deficiency
Don't rest
Milder than Yang Driven overactive never rest intense self-focussed Emotionally disconnected Aggressive and assertive
exhaustedoverwhelmedcoldtimiddifficult to be motivated Functional Problems + Cold Pulse lower than home Bloated pale tongue Low energy Poor Vitality (low metabolism) Put weight on easily
Is there some area in your life you are feeling stuck
Yang (deficiency)
Yang (deficiency)
Don't rest
Driven overactive never rest intense self-focussed Emotionally disconnected Aggressive and assertive
BackRightLateralUpperExcessive SNS Functional Problems + Cold Pulse lower than home Bloated pale tongue Low energy Poor Vitality (low metabolism) Put weight on easily
Note the area. Eg Uterus... “Do you have any issues with femininity?mothernurturing self
Excessive thinking and analysisEmotionally disconnected Oversensitive to othersSluggish
Tongue sticky coatBloatingHeavinessPoor Digestiongreasy skinswollen tongue Pulse lower than home Bloated tongue teeth marks HeavinessFoggy headed
Overweight oedema
As a kid what would you have like to feel more of from your parents?Helps to get to the needs that they are trying to meet with the behaviour they are doing now.
Stuckangry and frustratedhanging on to past hurts or habitsUnable to let gotest new one
Excessive SNSstagnation Wiry pulse or no pulse Purple tongue Irritable with heat hot during day Qi stag – distended moving pain - stress Blood stag – knife like pain -repressed emotion
Qi Stagnation: Is there some area in your life you are feeling stuck Stuck in relation to... Stagnation symptoms (Feeling Stuck) in relation to (area psychology) Heat - do you get hot at night? Do you sweat at night? Are you restless? What is your sleep like?