Receiving from mother
Emotions nourishment care nurturenourishment home stable centre source of vitality self nurturegiving receiving receiving spirit receiving from mother focus on others receive from family excess sympathy stagnation of needs repression of needs selfishness internal nourishment judging needs deserve care
Emotions sadness loss unmet needs loneliness lonely longing acceptancesadness barrenness release tears accept reality compassion comfortallow tears to flow let go to move forward let go of old patterns purity of spirit capacity to let go fear of separation cry of sadness grief letting go of projects letting go of grief fear of letting go
Uncentred and uneasy - finding a centre
Emotions giving receiving receiving spirit receiving from mother focus on others receive from family excess sympathy stagnation of needs repression of needs selfishness internal nourishment judging needs deserve care
Emotions lightness of body and much strengthDizzinesstinnitusleg painimpaired visiondesire for sleepActivate SocNSOveractive SNSOveractive PNSFor Brainhead and throatcoughvomiting and headachewhere there is disharmony between Qi of body and headFor people not connected to their body or feelings.Body connectionwind energy movement and changeThe use of logic perception and discernment Imagination Seeking truth about selfentitiesghostsBrain IntegrationbrainConfusionDepression
Cheng (receiving)
QiLingEmotions Creativity living in the moment ling cheng transform receiving intuition insightReceiving spirit insight to balance head open up receive inspire creativity ritual inspiration Intuition bigger pictureBalance head and heartUnity shoulder burden yin accepts yang analysis vs intuition empty mind to deal with others flexibly life flows on hearts path thoughts and feelingsconnection to spirit transformation spiritual transformationgiving receiving spirit receiving from mother focus on others receive from family excess sympathy stagnation of needs repression of needs selfishness internal nourishment judging needs deserve care
Emotionsenable growth and changecourage and vitalityHeat in body Diseases of the yang channels zang pathogens along channel and at distal end
Seeing what is
Emotionsbenevolentsee beauty withinpreconceptions vision see things as they are judgement prejudice beauty within release external constraints internal changeyielding pushing restraining desires to connect yielding to what is seeing what is no judgement yield to flow of life striving vs hopeless reaching and yieldingseeing what is acceptance root of spirit purity inside see things clearly adapting plans
Emotions Protection foundations stillness stability stable centre safety move decisively protection movement taking action foundation move decisively
Yielding to current
Emotions Flowing receptive to spirit life flows harmony find the wayyielding pushing restraining desires to connect yielding to what is seeing what is no judgement yield to flow of life striving vs hopeless reaching and yielding
Pure yang - see things clearly
Emotions seeing things clearly empty mind clear decisions growth movement changeseeing things clearly pure yang energyseeing what is acceptance root of spirit purity inside see things clearly adapting plansemotional distressBalance
Clear illumination - adapting plan to circumstances
Toxic Emotions Fear Withdrawal Anger Frustration Lack of joy Embarrassment Hurt Sympathy (Excess sensitivity) Grief Disconnect Guilt Paranoia Disconnected Resentment Confused Bitterness Shame Defensive Disgust Disdain Worthless Immobilised Pointless Secrecy Intimidating Aloof Passive aggression Seething Always looking for a new answer Lying Sarcastic Teasing Blush and hide React and push back Prickly Ingratiation Complaining Direct people to be happy Superior Snide Push people away Lack of inspiration FutileEmotionsmake clear judgments and decisionssee things afreshbringing clarityChoicesResentmentFrustrationseeing what is acceptance root of spirit purity inside see things clearly adapting plansQi Flow
Emotions deficiency excess diagnosis treatmentplan for future hope expectations balance growth adapt respond to hurdles changeSeat of personal power Confidence How we see ourselvesQi Flow
Emotions unblock our creativity writers block lack of change let go of old traumas move forwarddeficiency excess diagnosis treatmentlet go of old traumasmove forwardweighed downfeeling wrongedinjusticeunblock our creativitybalancing parts of bodybody systems Yin organs yang organs qi lung qi heart qi sinews tightness muscle pain joint pain blood vessels blood flow neck pain back pain spine pain lumber pain weakness contraction in limbs pain in limbsSeat of personal power Confidence How we see ourselvesstressdigestionimproving digestionstress affecting digestionliver invading spleenqizangyinfuyangbloodSinewsmusclesvesselsbonemarrowbrain
Emotions Trust trusting open confident honest connections good relationship within ourself faith in ourself faith innate nature destinypain acute conditionscalmnessstillnesssafetybelongingstabilityinsecuritiessincere sincerity trust communication truth integrity connection honest relationshipstrust trust ourselves trust others vigilence