Mode Category
Balance Type
Emotion Master Points
Balance information
Balance for
Letting Go
Overview Procedure
Which 5 Element Emotion
Other modes
Find element & check emotion
- Enter Hardware associated with element (muscles, cutaneous regions)
- Balance Luo points for the channel (the points below labeled (L)) + check if need to combine with the:
- Yuan Source point of the interior- exterior coupled channel (the point labeled (Y) below);
- VRP or BP
- LI6 (L) Lu9 (Y) Letting go
Allow tears to flow
Toxic Emotions Fear Withdrawal Anger Frustration Lack of joy Embarrassment Hurt Sympathy (Excess sensitivity) Grief Disconnect Guilt Paranoia Disconnected Resentment Confused Bitterness Shame Defensive Disgust Disdain Worthless Immobilised Pointless Secrecy Intimidating Aloof Passive aggression Seething Always looking for a new answer Lying Sarcastic Teasing Blush and hide React and push back Prickly Ingratiation Complaining Direct people to be happy Superior Snide Push people away Lack of inspiration FutileEmotionsLetting Goallow tears to flow let go to move forward let go of old patterns purity of spirit capacity to let go fear of separation cry of sadness grief letting go of projects letting go of grief fear of letting go lossQi Flow
bliss point
Letting Go TransformationQiLingJing Well Ying Spring Shu Stream Jing River He SeaQi FlowTonificationSedationEmotionsActivate SocNSOveractive SNSOveractive PNSOriginal Qitaking in the majesty of life celestial palace inner self Humanity Bodyassimilation life story vision of inner truth value truth true to inner child draw on roots grounded thinkingbalancing parts of bodybody systems Yin organs yang organs qi lung qi heart qi sinews tightness muscle pain joint pain blood vessels blood flow neck pain back pain spine pain lumber pain weakness contraction in limbs pain in limbsqizangyinfuyangbloodSinewsmusclesvesselsbonemarrowbrainFor Yin channels – for tonifying and harmonising their respective zang yin organsFor yang channels – treat disorders of their channel (not the fu) Heaviness of the body and pain of the joints Intermittent diseases such as malaria