Other modes
Alarm Points (Mode EM15)
- P/L A/P mode EM15
- CL A/Ps in any order
- I/C P/L and hold the A/P for 5-10 minutes or wait until a pulse is felt
- Hold A/Ps bilaterally where appropriate
- Continue and repeat procedure until the mode does not show
NB: CL A/Ps using light touch until none show, then CL A/Ps using deep touch until none show.
Where is it/are they?
CENTRAL VESSEL: Ren-24 — On the midline in the depression between the chin and lower lip
GOVERNING VESSEL: Governing 26 — On the midline at the base of the nose, on the top of the upper lip
LUNG: Lung 1 — Bilateral, at the beginning of the Lung meridian in the front of the shoulder
LARGE INTESTINE: Stomach 25 — Bilateral, 2 cun lateral to the navel
STOMACH: Central 12 — On the midline, halfway between the end of the sternum and the navel
SPLEEN: Liver 13 — Bilateral, at the tip of the 11th rib (at the side of the body)
HEART: Central 14 — On the midline, 2 cun below the base of the sternum
SMALL INTESTINE: Central 4 — On the midline, 3 cun below the navel and 2 cun above the pubic symphysis
BLADDER: Central 3 — On the midline, 4 cun below the navel and 1 cun above the pubic symphysis
KIDNEY: Gall Bladder 25 — Bilateral, at the tip of the 12th rib (towards the back of the body)
PERICARDIUM: Central 17 — On the midline, level with the nipples
TRIPLE HEATER (San Jiao): Central 5 — On the midline, 2 cun below the navel
GALL BLADDER: Gall Bladder 24 — Bilateral, between the 7th and 8th rib (3 ribs below the nipple)
LIVER: Liver 14 — Bilateral, between the 6th and 7th rib, below the nipple
Front-Mu point of the Stomach Hui-Meeting point of the Fu Meeting point with the Small Intestine, SJ and Stomach channels
Front-Mu point of the Small Intestine Meeting point with the Spleen, Liver and Kidney channels Moxa often used on this point
Front-Mu point of the Pericardium Hui-Meeting point of the Qi Point of the Sea of Qi Meeting point with the Spleen, Kidney, Small Intestine and SJ channels Key point for upper jiao
Meeting point with the Governing vessel, Large Intestine and Stomach channels Sun Si-miao Ghost point
Front-Mu point of the Spleen Hui-Meeting point of the zang Meeting point with Gall Bladder channel
Front Mu point (gathering point) – acts on lung zang Meeting point with Sp NB: wheezing and short breath is worse on lying down as this places a strain on the Lung movement of air qi down and also allows phlegm to accumulate