5 Shu Points: Jing Well (most distal)

Mode Category
Balance Type
Shu PointsVibrational Healing Systems
Balance information
Balance for
Jing Well Clearing heat restoring consciousness rescuing collapse excess and heat from distal end of channel Stagnation and fullness in chest Disorders of the spirit

Jing Well (most distal)

GB44, St45, Bl67, Lv1, Ki1, Sp1, LI1, SI1, SJ1, Lu11, Ht9, Pc9

  • Clearing heat, restoring consciousness, rescuing collapse
  • Treat excess and heat from distal end of channel
  • Stagnation and fullness in chest
  • Disorders of the spirit

In this balance we select one type of point (see list of the 5 shu points below – eg. Jing Well) and balance this point on each channel.


  1. Verbally challenge for priority type of point or select type of point that corresponds to issue (eg. He Sea points or Jing Well points)
  2. Hold point/s of that type


Acupuncture Points