Yang Qiao MaiYang Qiao MaiFireThe Yang Qiao Mai puts the yang into dynamic motion.Yang Wei MaiYang Wei MaiThunderThe Yang Wei Mai attaches and links all the yang of the body.Yin Qiao MaiYin Qiao MaiWaterThe Yin Qiao Mai puts the yin into dynamic motion.Yin Wei MaiYin Wei MaiMountainThe Yin Wei Mai attaches and links all the yin of the body.Chong MaiChong MaiEarthChong Mai links yin and yang together and distributes qi and blood.Dai MaiDai MaiWindThe Dai Mai binds and unifies the extraordinary vessels.Du Mai—GVDu Mai—GVHeavenDu Mai is the foundation of yang qi. Ren Mai—CV Ren Mai—CVLakeThe Ren Mai commands and controls all the yin functions of the body.