
Key Insight


Physical connection
Burnt-outExcessive PNS
Physical Symptom
Psych (excess)
Psych (deficient)
Related Principle

From yang def: exhaustion, history of being overly driven or giving everything away without looking after self From stagnation: poor circulation and lack of connection with self

Look for

feeling cold, cold limbs, no thirst, pale face, abdominal pain aggravated on pressure, desire to drink warm liquids, loose stools, clear abundant urination, Deep-Full-Tight pulse, Pale tongue with thick white coating

Questions to ask
What would happen if you didn’t strive?Q: How would you feel if you couldn’t strive?
Pulse position

Hot and cold is a very good way of determining whether there is a yin or yang pattern predominating.

Heat is characterised by increases in temperature (objective or subjective) and activity, while cold brings lower temperatures and pallor.

The main manifestations are feeling cold, cold limbs, no thirst, pale face, abdominal pain aggravated on pressure, desire to drink warm liquids, loose stools, clear abundant urination, Deep-Full-Tight pulse and a Pale tongue with thick white coating.

Comparison between Full-Cold and Empty-Cold

NameFull-ColdEmpty Cold

Bright white

Dull white

Sharp, worse on pressure

Dull, better on pressure

Better after bowel movement

Worse after bowel movement

Full, tight, deep

weak, slow, deep

Thick white coating

Thin white coating


  • yang Qi weak
  • Metabolism too slow
  • Temp 36.5 to 37 c
  • Pulse 60 to 70 and weak
  • Cold extremities.
  • Meaning - Find the why behind this
    • Usually run down - run them selves down
    • Following chronic illness, or old age
    • Intense exercise, overly intense thinking
    • Need to rebuild reserves
    • Intense lifestyle - Why are they living such an intense lifestyle
      • Q: What would happen if you didn’t strive?
      • Q: How would you feel if you couldn’t strive?
  • Tongue - cold
    • Pale - moving toward white
    • White coating - may not necessarily mean cold, but thick and white probably
    • The tongue itself can be white under the tongue coating
  • One other option
    • Cold hands and feet can also be
    • Ki Yang Def
    • Sp Yang Def
    • Liv Qi Stagnation (if caused by poor circulation) ***
    • Cold hands and Feet - like warm drinks - cold inside
  • Causes
    • Striving too hard towards something
    • Chronic Serious illness
    • Old Age

Look for Symptoms

  • Do you feel hot or cold
    • Cold → yang def?
  • Digestion?
    • undigested stool - diarrhoea → lack of energy in the afternoon → Qi def
  • Short of breath
    • On exertion → Lung Qi
  • Toilet at night
    • → Bl Qi