Mode Category
Balance Type
Shu PointsVibrational Healing Systems
Balance information
Balance for
For Yin channels – for tonifying and harmonising their respective zangFor yang channels – treat disorders of their channel (not the fu)
Overview Procedure
StructuralBiochemicalPsychologicalElectromagneticOther modes
Spirit PointsSpirit Points (Adv)Extraordinary PointsOther modesShu Stream
(3rd most distal except GB41)
GB41, St43, Bl65, Lv3, Ki3, Sp3, LI3, SI3, SJ3, Lu9, Ht7, Pc7
- For Yin channels – are the most important points for tonifying and harmonising their respective zang (yin organs)
- For yang channels – the points treat disorders of their channel (not the fu)
- Heaviness of the body and pain of the joints
- Intermittent diseases such as malaria
- Verbally challenge for priority type of point or select type of point that corresponds to issue (eg. He Sea points or Jing Well points)
- Hold point/s of that type