Other modes
Advanced ESR (Ps10)
ESR points help to resolve past and future emotional stress by reducing the emotional content of the thoughts or memories, and increasing the activity of the brain’s reasoning centres. Holding the points while guiding the client through a remembered or imagined event thus enables them to process the situation in a different or more objective way.
These more in-depth applications of the ESR procedure can be used to relieve stress related to memories, events or situations with a strong emotional charge. They work well in gaining relief from nightmares, fears, frustrations and other problems that affect personal and professional efficiency and creativity.
The key is to maintain a client-centered approach by continually checking with the client to learn what it is they are seeing or experiencing in their mind’s eye, and guiding them through the process with questions rather than directions wherever possible. Observation of physical signs such as facial expressions, breathing, fidgeting, clenched fists or rapid eye movement is important to ensure the process doesn’t move too fast or overwhelm the client.
Useful/Appropriate for
Any client experiencing emotional distress relating to a particular memory or situation. See specific applications for each of the Emotional Stress Release Methods.
- Not to be used to visualise any situation involving extreme trauma, abuse or feelings of helplessness.
- Should not be used with clients exhibiting deep depression, dissociation or psychiatric illness.
Summary of Process
- Create a safe place with the client (this is essential):
- Choose an appropriate method from the list over the page and guide the client through it while holding the ESR points (
Gb-14 ). It may be appropriate to have the client place their hands on the area of the body where they feel the emotion eg. The chest or belly.
- Make sure the person is back in present time. If their eyes are closed remind them of the room, sounds etc. Ask them to gently open their eyes and focus on something in the distance. This brings left-brain back on board. Make no judgments and ask them to make no judgments. The object is to detach and observe.
Ask if they have a 'safe' place somewhere so they can take time out of the process if the distress becomes too much. Somewhere real or imagined they can take their mind to, where they feel safe from pressure or intrusion. If necessary, help them to construct such a place. This is not an escape but time out if required. Also be sure to agree on a physical signal such as raising a finger in case they feel unable to speak at any point.