Deficient Pain

Key Insight

Ignored emotions

Physical connection
Dull lingering ache
Physical Symptom

Psych (excess)
Psych (deficient)

More specific principle

I feel pain → Try to cope by ignoring it → Shut myself off from feeling my body → Aren’t aware of or don’t address core emotional issues → Hurt and pain locked in → I Feel Pain

Look for

pain (better on palpation)

Questions to ask
Pulse position

Deficient pain (better on palpation) is due to deficiency of qi, yin, yang or blood. It is usually felt as a dull lingering ache that is worse when the client feels fatigued. The area of the body that the ache is felt will give an indication of the channel involved. Check channel pathway to determine specific issue.

Pain may get locked into the body when the person responds by coping. The coper tries to manage their pain by ignoring it, which encourages key issues to linger and stagnate – causing more pain.

I feel pain → Try to cope by ignoring it → Shut myself off from feeling my body → Aren’t aware of or don’t address core emotional issues → Hurt and pain locked in → I Feel Pain