For pre-printed hard copies and downloads of charts:
Beautiful charts and worksheets that complement you in your clinic.
Pre-printed kit:

These charts contain an overview of the channel, with mapping of the key points, cutaneous regions, characteristics in harmony, motivators and symptoms. Also a quick reference for TCM muscles with glyphs to help jog memory for muscle monitoring.

Useful for capturing elements and meridians to focus on during a balance and as a reminder of muscle and characteristic associations with elements and meridians.

These descriptions of the masculine and feminine archetypes are useful to help people integrate and accept different aspects of themselves.

These charts contain an overview of the channel, with mapping of the key points, cutaneous regions, characteristics in harmony, motivators and symptoms. Also a quick reference for TCM muscles with glyphs to help jog memory for muscle monitoring.

Printable A4 reference chart and worksheet with five element information and Shu point details—designed for TCM kinesiologist and Mind-body Medicine practitioners.

Note: these hand drawn diagrams are based on drawings of the cutaneous regions in D. Corby, College of Complementary Medicine