Other modes
Pitch, Roll, Yaw & Tilt ST 27
In general terms, Pitch, Roll and Yaw describe movement around a single axis in one of the three planes of space. In a fish or a jet plane they look like this:
Tilt can be defined as a shift or lean away from centre involving two or more of these movements. In the human body these movements look like this:
In Kinesiology, Pitch Roll Yaw Tilt (PRYT) protocols are used to assess body movements and postures involving coordination between different segments of the body. This type of body coordination is closely linked to the concept of ‘switching’, or neurological confusion. Each posture relates to a different type of switching, with associated problems:
Pitch refers to upper and lower movement not synchronised - Up/Down Switching.
- difficulty walking up and down stairs, confusing b and p type letters
Roll refers to left/right movement - Left/Right switching.
- confusing left and right or d and b type letters, often sacrum involvement, relates to visual righting (horizon) and pelvic reflexes
Yaw refers to where the top and bottom halves of the body are pointing in different directions - e.g. head turned relative to shoulders or pelvis relative to feet - Front/Back switching.
- writing slides up or down across page, drift left or right while walking and bump into things
Tilt refers to a lean to one side or the other – possibly Combination switching
- learning problems, poor coordination, dyslexia, jerk or slip during walking
Correcting these imbalances can be highly beneficial when working with balance, posture and structural problems, as they help to neurologically centre and integrate the body. Other common associations to consider when balancing PRYT are:
- Cranial-Pelvic Reflexes
- Hyoid
- Neck muscles
- Pelvic Stress
- Cranials
- Vestibular system
- Oculomotor system
- Brain Integration
- Primitive Reflexes (see below)
Issues with PRYT are commonly related to retention of Primitive Reflexes, which are automatic reflex actions present in newborn babies. These reflexes should disappear or inhibit early in life, however in some cases they continue to exert an influence on the nervous system, compromising the ability to integrate and perform complex movements involving different body segments.