Fatigue Balance

Mode Category
Balance Type
Clinical Conditions
Balance information
Balance for


Establish psychological patterns and counsel towards a goal Have a goal that relates to a core motivator

Should link with why they have felt that their life is not their own P/L associated issues – have them think of the symptoms and P/L


Assess diet

Assess Diabetes risk factors and refer if appropriate

Deficient fatigue: Rub St-36St-36 Ren-6Ren-6 KI-3KI-3 Ren-17Ren-17

Stagnation fatigue: Rub Liv-3Liv-3 LI-4LI-4 Sp-9Sp-9 Sp-10Sp-10

CH: HCF 3 jiao + flow to meridians (yuan points)

CH: Solar Plexus Chakra

CH: Deficiency, particularly Iron, Mg, Folate, B12, other B Vitamins CH: LI

CH: Toxicity

CH: Heavy Metals

CH: Allergies/intolerances

Rub Sp, St, SI, LI APs and Back Shu points

For shallow breathing clients: rub Ki (difficulty breathing in) and Lu APs with breath

CH: Amygdala

CH: Adrenal stress

CH: Thyroid


Balance above factors that showed IP/DI


Eat slowly Eat calmly

Don’t speak while eating Deep breathing exercises

Cut out intense exercise and replace with walking, yoga or tai chi Homeopathics (see list following page)

Homeopathic Remedies for Fatigue and / or Stagnation

Arg Nit 200C: Periodical weakness (one day feeling well, then feeling weak again). Trembling. Weakness with irritability and anxiety. Despairs of recovery. Adrenal fatigue. Diarrhoea.

Arsenicum 30C: Fatigue with great anxiety and restlessness. Fearful. Fastidious. Exhaustion worse for physical exertion. Burning pains but better for heat. Worse for cold. Adrenal stress.

Arnica 30C: Fatigue following physical injury or shock. Cerebral congestion. Tinnitus. Septic conditions. Sore, lame, bruised feeling. Rheumatism. Influenza.

Calc Carb 30C: Stagnation. Lack of stamina. Jaded state. Impaired nutrition / Poor assimilation / Weight-gain. Fatigue following mental or physical overwork. Pituitary and thyroid disorders. Easy relapses of illness. Great sensitivity to cold. Partial sweats.

Carbo Veg 6C: Stagnation. Exhaustion following shock, illness or surgery. Low vitality, listless, sluggish. Constant sleepiness. Metabolic disorders. Digestive disturbances, abdominal distension, belching, bloating. The person is cold and clammy, skin may have a bluish tinge. The person desires fresh air. Worse for humidity.

Conium Maculatum 200C: Fatigue particularly in the elderly. Trembling, unsteady gait. Ascending paralysis. Sudden loss of strength whilst walking. Pain and stiffness of legs. Sluggishness. Weakness of memory.

Gelsemium 200C: Tiredness, fatigue, muscular weakness. Dizziness. Lethargy. Headache. Chronic fatigue syndrome. Worse for cold weather. Weak eyesight. Ailments from bad news or over- excitement. Fatigue in shift-workers.

Kali Phos 6X (tissue salt): Oversensitive, nervousness. Tires easily. Easily startled. Over-thinking. Difficult concentration, forgetful. Mental and physical exhaustion. Adrenal stress.

Lycopodium 30C:Stagnation. Physical and mental impotence. Gradual debility and senility. Failure of digestive powers. Poor assimilation. Weakness of liver. Emaciation. Pains come and go. Poor circulation. Sensitivity to noise. Lack of vital heat. Cold extremities. Symptoms worse from 4pm to 8pm.

Phosphoric Acid 30C: Mental and physical exhaustion particularly after a long protracted illness. Emotional numbness. Stagnation. Apathy. Inertia. Adrenal fatigue. Hair loss. Weak eyesight.


Acupuncture Points