Mode Category
Balance Type
Nutrition and Structure
Balance information
Balance for
Nutritional DeficiencyToxicityAllergyHeavy MetalsCell Salts
Other modes
General Biochemical Procedure (BC Finger)
This general approach to Biochemical balancing can be used and adapted for:
Nutritional Deficiency BC21; Toxicity BC25; Allergy/Sensitivity BC6; Heavy Metals E/M1; Cell Salts E/M23; Dormant Nutrition BC20
- Identify substance involved (chemical / nutrient / toxin ):
- Carbohydrates (EM finger down ̄)
- Vitamins: Nutrition (BC finger) +
St-41 (centre of top of ankle crease)
- Minerals: Nutrition +
SJ-4 (centre of wrist crease back of hand)
- Amino acids: Nutrition +
Du-25 (tip of nose)
- Herbs: Nutrition +
Ren-2 (pubic bone)
- Heavy Metals: E/M1
- Cell Salts: E/M23
- Other eg. enzyme, food additive, medication
- CH substance or vial on
Ren-8 – P/I/C – P/L
- If P/I/C - look up substance, its functions & symptoms of excess/deficiency - discuss & P/L any relevant symptoms
- CH substance or vial through relevant A/Ps (+ Organ mode), Gland points
- Enter relevant muscles
- Find Context - BP, Eye modes, Emotion, Essence, Amygdala, Past resolution etc & discuss
Nutrients (BC finger down ̄) - Fats (ST finger down ̄) - Proteins (PS finger down)
Specific Activations for Toxicity/Excess (NOT in pregnancy):
- CH Hydration
- CH and rub NLs
- Activate LV, Ki & LI and investigate further if showing stress
Specific Activations for Heavy Metal Toxicity (NOT in pregnancy):
- CH heavy metal at joints (ankles, knees, hips, shoulders) to indicate level of toxicity
Specific Activations for Allergy/Sensitivity:
- CH substance/vial against sinuses (frontal & paranasal), tonsils, adenoids
- CH Heart chakra, thymus, Sp (for immunity), Lu (for defensive qi)
- CH histamine vial on
Ren-8 and/or through A/Ps
- Sensitivity/intolerance - consider Digestion Procedure to investigate causes
Correction (with substance/vial on CV8)
- IP/DI for correction (consider Template Balance, Auras, Figure 8’s, Chakras)
- Refer client for Hair or Blood Analysis to better assess levels of deficiency or excess
- Discuss Home Reinforcement strategy as outlined
Home Reinforcement
- Increase foods high in deficient nutrient (see Nutrient Content of Foods charts)
- Refer for supplementation of nutrient
- Raw Foods Diet
- Food Combining Diet
Toxicity/Excess (including Heavy Metals)
- If possible, identify the source of the toxin or excess and remove it
- Drink plenty of water (clean and filtered is highly preferable)
- Raw Foods Diet
- Liver Cleansing Diet
- Organic fruit and vegetable juices and high antioxidant foods such as berries, herbs and spices.
- Take gentle exercise regularly (at least 2-3 times per week)
- Refer to a suitably qualified professional about supplementation,
- Metabolic antagonists or synergists
- St Mary’s Thistle for fat-soluble toxins
- Green Tea for water-soluble toxins
- Antioxidants: Vitamins A, C, E, Co-enzyme Q10
Heavy Metal Toxicity
- Refer for chelation therapy
- Foot patches
- Use large amounts of fresh coriander in juicing or diet
- If allergy suspected, refer for testing and avoid possible food sources
- Remove reactive foods from diet and slowly reintroduce after 3-4 weeks (NOT in anaphylaxis cases)
- For chemical sensitivity, remove from diet and consider Raw Food or Liver Cleanse Diet
- For food intolerances, consider Blood-Type Diet (see Distance Nutrition Notes)
QiLingEmotionsIntimacyInner ConnectionHurtOriginal QiNutritional DeficiencyToxicityAllergyHeavy MetalsCell SaltsBalanceQi Flow
core core yin energy deep inner connection fertility creating life potentialNutritional DeficiencyToxicityAllergyHeavy MetalsCell Salts
NourishmentNurtureSpiritconnection to mother spirit receiving nourishment nurture nourishment from spirit helps open allow spiritNutritional DeficiencyToxicityAllergyHeavy MetalsCell SaltsBalancedehydrationhydrationwater
structure essence true essence true to oneself no pretence shed mask false self core self freeNutritional DeficiencyToxicityAllergyHeavy MetalsCell SaltsBalance
Jing Well Ying Spring Shu Stream Jing River He SeaQi FlowTonificationSedationNutritional DeficiencyToxicityAllergyHeavy MetalsCell SaltsBalanceShort breath and asthma Speech and voice Sinews and bones