Sp14 Fu Jie - Abdomen knot

Mode Category
Balance Type
Individual Sprit Points
Balance information
Balance for

Sp14 Fu Jie - Abdomen knot

Location: 1.3 cun below Sp15, 4 cun lateral to the midline

The characters of this point relate to unknotting the abdomen. The point is very useful where worry or excessive thought has led to abdominal tightness or pain. Thought without action creates another thought. We overthink when we focus on others – things we can’t solve – which leads us to think but not to be able to act. It is important to ground back into our body with a more balanced focus on our self and our internal needs. As we come back into ourselves, we will feel more centred, and our worries will become more measured.

Exercise: Undertake to do a 3 hour walk in nature once a week. This will help ground you in your body and move you out of your head. Your mind will move and you will find more peace.


Acupuncture Points