The Messiah and Farmer

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The Forgotten Temple

metaphor :7 chakra story, the Abbot and 6 monks

All chakras: each monk represents 1 chakra

The Story: An abbot was walking down a hillside away from the monastery that he has been looking after for many decades. As he walked he reflected on his dilemma. The monastery that has been his home was coming to an end. It was founded more than 800 years ago, and he still remembered as a young child how the monastery was a place of learning. Many sons of noblemen and even kings used to be sent to the monastery to study but now that was all in the past. The monastery had no new students for the last 20 years. Many of the older monks have died and there was only himself and 6 monks looking after this once great place of learning. When he got to the lowlands he stopped at his friend’s place. An old farmer that he has known for over 50 years. The farmer has welcomed the abbot and said, “It has been a long time my old friend.” After some conversation reflecting on old times the abbot decides to tell the farmer about the dilemma he was facing.

The farmer listened and at the end he, like the abbot, concluded that the monastery is coming to an end. The abbot smiled knowing that it was so, but he was sad that such a great place would shut down forever. Just as he was about to leave, the farmer said, “There is a small chance that may help.” The abbot was ready to listen to any advice. The farmer said, “have you considered that either you or any of the monks could be the next Messiah?” The Abbot laughed, for sure the farmer was joking. “The first and only messiah of our faith was the founder of this great place and that was 800 years ago” he replied.

“Yes” said the farmer, “but have you considered it?” The Abbot Laughed and said, "I very much doubt it, I’m in my 70’s now, would I not know by now"?

The Farmer shrugged his shoulders and said, “but it’s still worth reflecting upon”.

That night when the abbot and the six monks were having dinner, the abbot decided to tell his brothers about his visit to the farmer and what he had told him. They all laughed and found the farmers comment amusing. One of them the next Messiah? they thought.

However, that night when they went to sleep each of the monks reflected on the words of the abbot and what the farmer had suggested. The youngest of the monks, who often dressed in red robes, was the monastery’s gardener. He reflected how grand the gardens used to be when they needed to feed dozens of men. But now they were only a shadow of once grand gardens. He doubted that he may be the messiah, however he considered what if one of the other brothers is. He may still help the monastery to return to its greatness. On reflecting he decided that in the morning he would ready the gardens as if they had many students.

The second youngest monk, who often wore orange robes, also reflected on the words of the abbot. He was unofficially the monastery’s cook. He decided that if there is a chance that the monastery may attract new students he should start preparing better dishes. In his youth he cooked for students of nobles and even the king himself. Being creative with food is something he loved, but more recently he just cooked food for his brothers and the abbot. He decided that in the morning he will prepare an amazing breakfast something he used to do many years gone by.

The next monk, who often was dressed in yellow, also reflected on the words of the farmer and abbot. He also doubted that he is the messiah, but if one of his brothers will turn out to be a messiah they may yet attract new students. Unofficially he was the carpenter of the monastery. He reflected on the state of the roofs and walls of the monastery and realized that many need repairing. Being in his late 60s he was a bit scared to climb the tall roof of the buildings, but he promised himself that in the morning he will find the courage to climb the roof again and attend to the much-needed repairs.

The fourth monk, who often wore green robes, was a happy man. Like his brothers he reflected on the idea of perhaps one of them may be the next messiah that would help the monastery to its greatness again. He also reflected on how he could help and realized that he no longer spent his days before the monastery giving advice to people that passed and accepting gifts they sometimes brought. On reflection, he has not done that for more than 10 years. As he was falling asleep, he promised himself that from the next day he would again stand before the monastery and talk to people and share his gifts and receive whatever people will bring.

The fifth monk, who often was dressed in blue robes, was a great scholar. He looked after the monastery’s library. Like his brothers he reflected on what the abbot said. He perhaps knew more about the last messiah than anyone living as he spent many hours studying the old scrolls. Reflecting that there may be a possibility of the monastery becoming great again he realized that the library would need to be categorized again. He also reflected that he has not done any reading to his brothers from the old scrolls in a long time and perhaps he should start this again. Yes, he will start this tomorrow .

The oldest of the monks, who often chose to wear purple robes, smiled to himself as he went to sleep. Me, a messiah, he thought. In his youth he often taught the students to meditate, something he himself has been doing less off as they had no students. He decided that from tomorrow he will start again to meditate like he used to.

The abbot himself often wore white robes and as he was falling a sleep he reflected on his day. He still heard the farmer’s words that one of them may be the next messiah. He considered that if one of his brothers turns out to be, what could he do? Reflecting on this he realized that over the last 15 years he has often spent many hours worrying about the future or remembering the past. He would be of best service if he was present in the moment. So, he promised himself that from tomorrow he will be more present with everyone.

The monastery itself was located half way up the mountains on a path which many folks from the town used. At the end of each summer, many people would go for walks into the mountains or travel over the mountains from one town to another. The monastery was something that just always has been there, but only the very old remembered the doors of the monastery ever being open. However, in late summer when people started walking down the mountain past the monastery something has changed.

In front of the monastery two monks dressed in green and blue would talk to the people, The monk in the green giving gifts to passers by and inviting them into the grounds of the monastery. The monk in the blue would recite ancient teachings to anyone that would stop by. Some people decided to have a look inside these secret walls. When they entered the monastery many held their breath, the gardens of the monastery would

match the ones of Kings, with enough produce growing to feed a small town. The Monastery itself was shining and looked brand new in many places. Then there was the smell from the kitchen, so inviting. The green monk of course invited many of the town people to share meals with them, telling them they have more food than they can ever consume. Some of the people could see the monk dressed in red brining more vegetables from the gardens and giving them cheerfully to the monk dressed in yellow who must be the chef.

It was a place of wonder. On one particular day the abbot was walking through the beautiful gardens observing his brother dressed in purple meditating under one of the great trees. It was on this day that he was approached by two young men. The abbot welcomed them and asked them how he could help. They both eagerly asked if there was any chance that they could study with the monks. The abbot smiled and said yes, they have plenty of room. By late summer many more men arrived and started studying with the monks. By the next year nobles and kings were again approaching the monastery to accept their sons for education.

Key points to remember the story

  • Great monastery which once was a significant place for education is coming to its end
  • The abbot seeks advise of his friend a farmer
  • The farmer tells the abbot that perhaps he or one of his brothers is the next Messiah
  • The abbot tells his brothers, they all laugh
  • They all at night consider the small chance that they, or one of them, could be the next messiah
  • They all decide to better themselves
  • There is the gardener: base chakra
  • There is the cook: sacral chakra
  • There is the carpenter/builder: solar plexus
  • There is the happy monk that gives and receives: heart chakra
  • There is the monk that looks after the liar: throat chakra
  • There is the oldest brother the teacher of meditation
  • There is the abbot: crown chakra
  • When the summer is approaching its end, the monastery looks like it did decades earlier.
  • People are welcomed and begin to take interest in the monastery
  • By the end of summer men are again asking to be trained within the monastery

Potential Questions for the client.

  • What do you feel is the importance of the farmer suggesting that one of them could be the messiah, what did that do?
  • Which monks do you like the most?