Unity in Opposites
LI4 (Joining of the Valleys) or GB24 (Illumination)
Check whether to balance GB24 or LI4, H/L priority point and read through description.
Illumination GB24
Helps us to perceive the unity behind what appear to be fundamentally opposed alternatives in life. This provides perspective and helps balance judgment and constraint. Balances those who are overly optimistic or overly pessimistic. Finding unity in apparent opposites, seeing grey instead of black and white. Judgements of good and bad, beautiful and ugly lie outside the unity of spirit.
- Use element points to find priority element, H/L
- H/L associated A/P and muscles
- Find which opposites apply and the middle way to cultivate I/C and H/L,
- Discuss in context of balance
- Have them focus on ‘seeing’ the middle way (can visualise either extremes and then with the will can shine a light on the middle way).
Joining of the Valleys LI4
Brings together forces of receiving and letting go. Helps to equalise extremes, reducing that which is too much and augmenting that with is too little. Valleys are empty and are receptive to the essential nature of life. The joining of the valleys refers to the point where the mountains (excess) erode and the valleys (deficient) fill and meet.
- Use element points (see over) to find priority element, H/L
- H/L associated A/P and muscles
- Find which opposites apply and the middle way to cultivate I/C and H/L
- Discuss in context of balance
- Hold
LI-4 and read to client:
“Visualise a large mountain next to a deep valley. The mountain represents the (excess) and the valley the (deficient). With your will you can make it rain, rain like it has never rained before, washing away the mountain and filling the valley before your eyes. Keep it raining until the mountain and valley meet (the land is flat) and there is balance.”