Sp Mode
Mode Category
Balance Type
Individual Sprit Points
Balance information
Balance for
nourishing ourselves
Overview Procedure
Other balances
Dantian/Hara Centre
Gate of Origin (Cv4) + Sea of Qi (Cv6)
These two points are connected with the dantian, or centre/ core of our being. The dantian is a very closely related to the gate of destiny (see Gv4). They are in the same region of the body, the points related to dantian on the front of the body and destiny on the back. The dantian is the deepest aspect of yourself where the fires burn within. They are key points for nourishing ourselves, revival and qi.
Visualise: Breathe into your belly. Become conscious of the furnace that burns in the core of our being, like the molten core of the earth. These fires provide the fuel for life and manifesting our destiny. They provide nourishment and energy. When we are centred in this core and expressing our truth we feel stable, grounded and potent.